Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [vb past] [verb] to the " in BNC.

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1 His swift rise to international acclaim was nevertheless tragically cut short when at only 42 he died of a heart attack just when ‘ poised to take his place alongside Barere , Friedman and Horowitz as the natural successors to Hofmann , Rachmaninov , Rosenthal , Godowsky and Lhevinne , all of whom had contributed to the last golden age of pianism ’ as Bryan Crimp , the dedicated compiler of this anthology of Levitzki 's total surviving electrical recordings for HMV , puts it in the accompany booklet .
2 During the early 1880s , however , five émigré revolutionaries , three of whom had belonged to the stillborn populist organization ‘ Black Repartition ’ , founded the ‘ Emancipation of Labour ’ group , dedicated to spreading Marxism in Russia .
3 After their release they said that they had been " kidnapped " by the authorities after two of them had written to the King warning of a plot by Col. Ahmed Dlimi , then one of his key advisers .
4 And then one of them had rushed to the truck and talked into a machine on a string .
5 ‘ One of them asked to go to the lavatory .
6 As they ran , mentally counting down the seconds , both Benny and Ace 's thoughts were of what had happened to the Doctor .
7 In addition to the memory of what had happened to the established Church during the 1640s and 1650s , the repeated reports of Nonconformist plots ( both alleged and real ) against the government in Church and State from the 1660s onwards encouraged a belief in the need for constant vigilance against a subversive Nonconformist threat .
8 One night three of us decided to go to the cinema .
9 For on that Saturday Mr Pozsgay organised a radio interview to tell the world that a party committee working under him had come to the conclusion that 1956 had been a popular uprising , thus ensuring that the terms of reference in Hungarian politics would never be the same again .
10 But while Francis and Mary fussed about the situation in Edinburgh , setting up an enquiry into what had happened to the burgh council , in February 1560 the Protestant lords did something ideologically much less courageous than their deposition of the regent , but in practical terms infinitely more crucial : they made the Treaty of Berwick with England , and were assured of English help .
11 She was keen to learn , and his trust in her had grown to the point where they alternated the night watches so both had the opportunity for more rest .
12 Some parasites of insect eggs , for instance , can stop a small population of pests from increasing , so application of a pesticide has to he timed according to the number of the larvae of the pests rather than the number of their eggs .
13 It was then that I decided to learn more about what had happened to the ‘ Children of the Mist ’ by the shores of Loch Tummel , and during my research an amazing possibility dawned .
14 So they sat wrapped in their own morbid silences , each harbouring his own private fear about what had happened to the village and how it could happen to them .
15 John Kelsey-Fry , counsel for Marsh , said his client was the first of the two men to volunteer to be interviewed about what had happened to the missing money .
16 Agnes smiled at the old warrior , and then at Husband : by now , her anger at him had distilled to the warming spirit of pure hatred .
17 It openly evoked the example of the Soviet dissidents , and voiced the despair of liberals of varying shades at what had happened to the fabric of British society since 1979 .
18 Other houses , real houses , in the neighbourhood were being touched by what had happened to the Pitt family in No. 22 , Church Row .
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