Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [vb past] [adv prt] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But after what went on in the first leg , I hope we get a referee who will be strong enough to stamp out any foul play .
2 They contributed because on the one hand , they were asked and understood that what they had to say was important , and also because too many of them grew up in a world without such books .
3 At luncheon all four of them fetched up in the saloon bar of The Rose and Crown .
4 The difference between the two of them showed up in The Waste , Land drafts .
5 There were a lot of very nasty people around , then as now , and if one of them turned up in no condition for a party , lying on the towpath , there was no questions asked . ’
6 Most of them ended up in the Middle East with Layforce , and when that was broken up they attached themselves to Combined Operations in Alexandria .
7 This comment reveals where many of the misconceptions that led to the official radicalization of land policy towards which ended up in the land October nineteen forty seven .
8 That is to say , if one made the same measurement on a large number of similar systems , each of which started off in the same way , one would find that the result of the measurement would be A in a certain number of cases , B in a different number , and so on .
9 A couple of weeks later , just as most of the officers and men of the Allied Screening Commission in Verona were preparing to go off for the weekend to the country , an enormous , chauffeur-driven Fiat motor car with a flag on the front of it rolled up in the drive .
10 But Steven had a b-i-g problem , because he had spent his whole life in Never Never , a land not best known for its grasp of real life , and his idea of what went on in the world outside was limited to the hazy notions he had picked up … from the movies .
11 My hon. Friend draws attention to the fact that there is considerable maladministration among Labour councils , as witness the discovery of what went on in the council of Brent when it was under Labour control .
12 Five of us met up in a local pub afterwards and only one of us was still married .
13 He was just quietly walking into the wall , while the rest of us stood around in an awkward half-circle .
14 ‘ My father would lift me over the turnstile at the Brandywell , with me decked out in a red and white scarf and hat . ’
15 As night fell on Stabiae , Vesuvius presented an awesome sight , with the oppressively heavy ash cloud above it lit up in a baleful red glare from the many fires that had been started by the rain of hot ash .
16 When the Hon. Gentleman has seen all the details , he should compare them with what went on in the valleys when he was a Minister .
17 But his interest in them came out in a unique way almost twenty years ago when he founded a shop that has become a fixture on Prince Street Untitled .
18 This was not wildly different , I suppose , to what went on in a book I was reading , Edmund Gosse 's Father and Son , in which the father would pray before any crucial decision and await God 's direction .
19 It is certainly not due to anything laid down in the egg or due to anything special about the first two divisions .
20 No , Maidstone had been right all along : Sandison knew nothing about what went on in the city .
21 If Jolly Sensible was a restaurant , everyone would be speculating about what went on in the basement .
22 Jolly Sensible was a restaurant , everyone would be speculating about what went on in the basement .
23 Captions on the screen can give brief information about what went on in the missing bits and how much time has elapsed .
24 ‘ All I do know is that when we were on the way here he was asking me a great many questions about what went on in the village .
25 ‘ They were concerned I would do something gruesome or speak critically about what went on in the ward . ’
26 But curiously enough , such articulate recognition of the educational significance of the manyattas was exceptional , though administrators often behaved and wrote in ways which hinted at an implicit acknowledgement of the similarity between what went on in a Masai manyatta and what went on in the English boarding schools they had themselves attended .
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