Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [adv] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Mrs. Mary Campbell of Boquhan , a lady with important political connections in the town of Stirling , sent Drummond with her letter of recommendation to call on Lord Milton , the intermediary through whom much of the Duke of Argyll 's patronage was distributed .
2 The other two barmaids , all agog , who would talk about nothing else for the rest of the Gay .
3 But for him , as for everyone else in the capital , the course of events must now have been discerned as inevitable .
4 Listen to Granny-Liz : " Becky , with you moving about me here on the verandah , I hope you do n't have any centipedes or scorpions in a jam jar in your pocket . "
5 She had promised to sing for them later in the evening if she was n't too tired .
6 ‘ We can wait for them here on the highway . ’
7 He 's waitin' for them now at the railway station .
8 Wearily , she began to look for them all over the theatre .
9 ‘ You can see from the map how the frontiers between them here in the south are not made very good .
10 ‘ I do n't think that is the right thing for me just at the moment .
11 That holiday morning I found Miss Louise waiting for me just inside the door with a pair of old shoes and a pair of slippers in her hands .
12 It was a bad one for me right from the start when I got involved in the spinning at the first corner . ’
13 With the possible exception of grant-maintained status , for which I personally find it very difficult to see any merit or justification , the other provisions with potential threat for children with special needs ( open enrolment and local financial management ) are for me rather like the curate 's egg .
14 ‘ I work rather odd hours but you can always leave a message for me here at the cafe .
15 ‘ Now will you wait for me here in the dark till I take back the keys , and not imagine I 've locked you in to starve ?
16 Okay could you sign that for me please down the bottom there .
17 Too much for me now with the garden and all .
18 That tray had just been prepared for me personally by the cook !
19 A member of the circle will babysit for you and , in exchange , you 'll babysit for someone else in the circle while your partner stays at home with your own children .
20 I might need it fer summat else beside the coal . ’
21 They 're looking after you well by the look of it
22 Two years on , with a little help from our excellent childminder I look after him part-time during the week .
23 Second , they do not seize opportunities for credit and new inputs , while large farmers are frequently able to look after themselves even without the aid of extension agents .
24 This public image has been important in fostering a perception of Mrs Thatcher as somebody apart from the Cabinet .
25 Do n't forget to vote for somebody tomorrow in the election .
26 At sea , the Royal Navy should prepare for a long ‘ broken back ’ period after a nuclear exchange in Europe , during which resupply across the North Atlantic would be vital to the United Kingdom 's survival , whether the exchange had been decisive or not .
27 One thing in particular that frightens the business community is the possibility of an elected regional assembly for the north-west , with powers to tax , which would inevitably be dominated by the cities of Liverpool and Manchester , to the detriment of everyone else in the area .
28 Doubtless Williams is getting five times the salary of everyone else in the movie — but that 's fair : he 's playing five roles .
29 SCORPIOS may not like to appear outwardly ambitious but you set yourself specific goals and work relentlessly towards them regardless of the opposition .
30 ‘ I 'm to be slightly too clever , the hare to your tortoise , so that you can plod past me half-way round the course and make me look a fool . ’
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