Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [noun pl] [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 She tried to go about her tasks with the same thoroughness as before , but too often her mind strayed from what she was doing , and promotion became less and less likely .
2 Now Rhoda had stopped work she would go down to the newsagent on the corner for her cigarettes at the same time every morning , each day a little lighter on her feet .
3 Nicandra shrank away — she was not at all courageous about horses , especially when they were fidgeting threateningly and blowing out through their noses at the same time .
4 It is also likely that they will monitor and criticize the performance of their colleagues to the same end .
5 ‘ Dolphins rely on their oil channels for precise echolocation but sound still impinges on all parts of their bodies with the same high energy and turns every inch into a functional sound receptor .
6 The Society for the Propagation of Christian Knowledge asked him to report on the work of its schools at the same time .
7 The Society for the Propagation of Christian Knowledge asked him to report on the work of its schools at the same time .
8 ‘ Academically there was n't anything to shout from the ceilings , in fact I do n't think that he found the work easy , but there was a dedication there that some of his contemporaries of the same ability could have used .
9 It would now be an act of political madness further to raise them to support the pound ( as indeed it would be to sacrifice more of our reserves to the same purpose ) .
10 We start to lose control of our minds in the same way that muscular tension is often out of our control .
11 Women may insert articles into their vaginas for purposes of masturbation , and men will insert articles into their urethras with the same intention .
12 Like Hornblower , whose temperament was delighting readers with its contradictions at the same time as that of the Quinn adventures , Septimus has adopted certain measures of what could be called self-defence .
13 The NRPB favours a survey which includes comparison of the servicemen with their compatriots of the same age serving elsewhere .
14 Rachel found herself following him into the social club and a few minutes later when they were both seated with their drinks in the same window-seat where they had sat before she said , ‘ So what 's your connection with Conway House ? ’
15 The possession of a cow or two , with a hog and a few geese , naturally exalts the peasant in his own conception , above his brethren in the same rank of society …
16 Finally , I hope that the hon. Gentleman will remind his colleagues in the shadow Cabinet , including the shadow Chancellor , that they should not advocate major road projects in their constituencies at the same time as the Labour party seeks to impede progress elsewhere in the country .
17 The attraction between the positive and negative electricity was supposed to keep the electrons in their orbits in the same way that the gravitational attraction between the sun and the planets keeps the planets in their orbits .
18 Similarly , an airline or even government operated air traffic control authority might amend a procedure promulgated in its manuals for the same reason .
19 The book , as we gather from a plan in his notebooks of the same period , was to deal with four large areas : ethics ; aesthetics ; religion and mythology ; and politics , law and education .
20 I would agree with the suggestion in your letter of 8 June that it would be good working practice for your association to collect Council Tax from your tenants in the same way as you collected rates in the past .
21 The lesson was not wasted on Renaissance princes , who adopted individual portraiture on their own coins , in the hope that these would survive as lasting memorials to their achievements in the same way as Roman coins had ; this adoption of portraiture thereby laid one of the foundations of modern coin design .
22 A friend said of John Piper , ‘ He does things properly , for he sends carriages and four , or boats for those who like the water , and returns his guests to their homes in the same manner .
23 Gandhi speaks of loving enemies and reacting to their wrongdoings in the same way as you would react to the wrong-doings of friends and relatives .
24 It may be that some hereditary peers are well worth a place , but it is also true that some who are not hereditary peers are equally deserving and it is hard to argue that they should not be considered on their merits on the same basis , with life peerages being conferred on those most suitable .
25 No doubt there are those who have seen fear on my face in certain circumstances in this campaign , just as I have seen the same fear on their faces in the same circumstances .
26 When the indicator board clacked out the information BAGGAGE IN HALL against their flight , a circle of bell-ringers in my stomach all heaved on their ropes at the same time , and the terrible clangour they set off in my skull could only be stilled by a couple of stiff ones at the bar .
27 Or perhaps the New Horizons people would prefer you to buy WinMail , which Software Partners also have on their lists at the same price — we 'll perhaps look at that another time .
28 I am not saying that a bream leader dishes out orders to his underlings in the same way that an army commander does .
29 Standing with heels together , breathe in through your nose and come up on your toes at the same time .
30 You can understand this is you can imagine yourself crouching with your knees close to your chest and balancing on your toes at the same time .
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