Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [noun sg] during the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 We in Britain owe so much to our American allies , not only for their support during the last war , but also today .
2 ‘ He smelt the cigarette smoke and I was fired , typical of my luck during the first 30 years of my life , ’ recalls Caine , 59 .
3 Bury , reformed in Cnut 's reign , and Westminster , patronised by Edward the Confessor , may have gained much of their endowment during the eleventh century , but otherwise the Domesday picture was probably very similar to that which faced Cnut on his accession .
4 Although an unhappy liaison with Rodin consumed much of her attention during the next several years , she did produce many drawings , among them most of her famous cat studies , and at least a dozen paintings .
5 Scarborough seaman John Normandale has been posthumously awarded a Russian Convoy Medal in recognition of his bravery during the Second World War .
6 My old friend Robson was head of your organisation during the last war , and I have a run-off of a cartoon dated October , 1939 , which he sent to me .
7 because of our fears over water supplies , we have reduced abstraction to less than two thirds of our licence during the last 2 years , but we can not get away from the fact that this is a severe drought which affects every underground source .
8 have the er figures in front of you of our progress during the last twelve months you will no doubt see that we are in a very nice financial position er only a pound and a penny off that magic thousand pound in in the club now .
9 In England , James Robertson ( 1953 , 1958 ) , a colleague of Bowlby 's at the Tavistock Clinic , started a campaign to persuade children 's hospital wards to admit mothers together with their children , or at least not to restrict visiting in any way ; some hospitals welcomed the idea , others resisted it , but meanwhile a Government committee was set up which in 1959 published the ‘ Platt Report ’ on the welfare of children in hospital , recommending ‘ that all hospitals where children are treated will adopt the practice of unrestricted visiting , particularly for children below school age ’ , that ‘ it is particularly valuable for the mother to be able to stay in hospital with her child during the first day or two ’ , and that ‘ children should not be admitted to hospital if it can possibly be avoided ’ .
10 If you have arranged a CheckOver with your branch during the last twelve months and completed and application form similar to that attached , simply contact your branch direct and ask them to review it .
11 Of Leicestershire 's 370 medieval settlements no less than sixty have been deserted and many others are now much smaller than they were in their heyday during the thirteenth and early-fourteenth century .
12 The restrictions that were also part of the reform , however , were by and large ignored by the media Abse , in his speech during the second reading , spelled out to the House what these controls involved .
13 This brought to an end a two-week crisis which had presented the first serious threat to communist rule in Albania since its establishment during the Second World War .
14 Patricia McQuigg , the mother of one of his friends , says : ‘ Luke practically lived at my house during the last few years he was at school .
15 Aristocratic influences were at their height during the first half of the nineteenth century and in any diplomatic service were always most marked at the highest levels .
16 Fear had been at its pitch during the first few hours and days .
17 We at the Bastille have been particularly blessed by his presence during the first concert of our season , in which his active participation and guidance were of invaluable help , especially for the recording of the Turangalîla-symphonie .
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