Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [noun sg] to [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Later that day I was the guest of Locheil 's gamekeeper , Donald Cameron , who informed me that Fiona had died three days after her admission to hospital in Inverness , ten days ago .
2 Two years after her conversion to strictness of life , she was sexually attracted to a man she knew well , although she seems to have had just before this a grandiose sense of her own imperviousness to sin .
3 As has already been said , if the bereaved person has a supportive family or friends or somewhere like a church group where they can talk about their response to loss in an open way then this may be all the help they need .
4 An Award was made posthumously to Ann McMillan by the local Sports Council for her contribution to sport in the community .
5 Well , more so , actually , than South African Prime Minister D. F. Malan , who , on being introduced to Dudley Nourse 's 1951 Springboks during their visit to Parliament in Cape Town on the eve of their departure for the 1951 tour of England , had said to the legendary Nourse : ‘ I hope you are enjoying your visit to South Africa . ’
6 However , since , in the mixed condition , the high incidence of singular references is associated with continuations based on the named-character , support is gained for the idea of contrast over mixed description types , influenced or driven by a tendency to isolate a named character through its elevation to status of ‘ principal character ’ ( cf.
7 It is valued for its ability to milk off poor grazing and for its polled factor , which is passed to all first-generation crossbred offspring .
8 DNA was isolated from the reaction mixtures and checked for its susceptibility to cleavage by restriction endonuclease Eco RII , which fails to cleave CC A / T GG sites methylated at the inner cytosine residue .
9 singer Blackie Lawless has blasted America 's moral pressure group Washington Wives for their campaign to clampdown on heavy metal music .
10 It follows that careful monitoring of patients for their susceptibility to depression before prescribing mood-altering drugs would be a wise precaution .
11 John Maynard Smith ( 1976 ) used the term Evolutionary Stable Strategies ( ESSs ) to describe those regular performances of a species that have been selected in the past as a consequence of their contribution to success in differential reproduction and the structure of which is largely under genetic control .
12 As a final ironic footnote , in August 1982 , after the showing of a documentary on Yorkshire television on the hazards of asbestos , Liam Beecher of the ITGWU , one of the officials involved in the Raybestos controversy , expressed concern over the effect on the health of the Raybestos workers of their exposure to asbestos in the factory and called for regular monitoring of the health of the 130 people who had worked in the Raybestos Manhattan factory .
13 One must be realistic in one 's promises to patients in respect of their admission to hospital for non-life threatening operations .
14 This was followed by the start of their rise to prominence as agricultural engineers .
15 He told her of the coming to Ireland of her Norman ancestors , the de la Houssaies , and of their rise to power in Corcaguiney .
16 Its Gothic settlers were already far advanced along the road of assimilating the culture and the religion of their Roman subjects at the time of their conversion to Catholicism in the 580s .
17 Bede describes how in the 670s the South Saxons were saved ‘ from a cruel and horrible extinction ’ as a result of their conversion to Christianity by Wilfrid : ‘ … for no rain had fallen in the province for three years prior to his arrival , and a terrible famine had ensued which reduced many to an awful death ’ ( HE IV 13 ) .
18 Tell the President that you have not forgotten about Wang Xizhe and other Pro-Democracy Movement activists who are still jail for the peaceful exercise of their right to freedom of expression .
19 The newspaper and its journalists applied to the European Court , claiming that the ban was an infringement of their right to freedom of expression .
20 By 1950 it was devoting over a third of its space to sport with particular emphasis on football .
21 But a nation now so proud of its right to freedom of speech could not exempt British institutions from criticism .
22 Finally , to the extent that political authority is justified by its ability to co-ordinate the activities of large populations , the vindication of its claim to authority over any one individual may depend on its having legitimate authority over the population at large .
23 In late May two environmental groups , Greenpeace International and the Washington-based Nuclear Control Institute , launched a worldwide campaign to stop high-tonnage shipments of plutonium from Europe to Japan , warning of its potential dangers in the event of spillage and of its vulnerability to seizure by terrorists .
24 She ought to have hated the child she was carrying , it being the cause of her return to squalor after the effort she had made to rise above it , but since she 'd felt it move she could n't reject it .
25 The question which remains is how far Mary was to follow their example in linking her perception of her royalty to interest in the rule of her kingdom .
26 Fifteen countries were represented by 30 women , each of whom had been invited on the basis of her contribution to theatre in her own country .
27 Certainly there is no doubt of the strength of Catherine 's desire for a good press in Western Europe and of her sensitivity to criticism of any kind : vanity and amour propre played a greater role in her policies than in those of any other ruler of the period .
28 If , however , we do apply anthropological and linguistic perspectives to this recent work on the consequences of literacy , as I claim we must despite its claim to protection from them , then that work in fact turns out to be as biased as that of the earlier phases .
29 This seems to indicate that , despite his reference to sex as a fine and noble thing , he still regards it with a certain amount of misgiving , and as something that should be kept under strict control .
30 As all Iraqis know , Saddam himself is Sunni , despite his claim to descent from Ali ; and the putative victory over Iran was presumably won by all Iraqis , Shia and Sunni alike .
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