Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [vb mod] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A resumé by Secretary General Ian Martin of the momentous world events that have occurred during the past five years set the work of AI in context and also set the scene for the working parties , which between them would report back to the plenary with recommendations that would change the AI mandate dramatically .
2 This unquestioning acceptance of the established conditions of work is a form of indoctrination ( even if unintended ) of the students , many of whom will end up in jobs where wages are variable and income uncertain .
3 Following its retreat from direct sales in Europe back in August ( UX No 396 ) , Solbourne is in the process of appointing European country managers who will report direct to Neil McNeill , director of international operations and a European manager who has yet to be appointed , both of whom will operate out of Longmont .
4 Oh look it 's one of these that 's nice because you can just sort of nothing can come in behind you and that sort of thing .
5 If there 's insufficient space for the army of fans , many of them might end up on the beaches , which the Italian police have expressly forbidden .
6 It probably wo n't get us very far , but you never know , one of them might come up with something . ’
7 The drinks machine was in the passage leading to the library and sometimes one or other of them would sit down for a break , and she found it a relief to talk to a real human being .
8 Every now and then one of them would stand up on the sofa and trample restlessly round like a dog resettling itself into its sleeping place .
9 None of them would look out of place in the local supermarket or disco .
10 ‘ That I had many acquaintances named Svend and that none of them would run off with a teenager . ’
11 If any of us let go and started breathing again , one of them would fall off into a lake of mud .
12 ‘ In a fairy story one of them would ride up to the avenue here on a white horse and say they 'd been wanting you as part of their lives for years , ’ Benny said .
13 sometimes come to Glasgow and either of them could go up to Stirling
14 The dacha was owned by a doctor who , Vasili reasoned , would be able to snap Lena out of her trance ; then the two of them could set off for Tula on the banks of the River Don where they would lie low until , with time , the investigation wound down .
15 Any of them could add up to ten !
16 Thankfully none of them will end up on the table .
17 But hotels and garages along the route say that if the bridge is n't repaired soon , many of them will go out of business .
18 ‘ One day , ’ said Sergeant Joe , ‘ one of them will come back with proof that you 've sold him a forgery . ’
19 ‘ One day one of them will take over from me .
20 But now many of them can stand up in front of the gate and talk back to the managing director .
21 One of them used to walk round with me up at the market pointing out his bullocks : ‘ These four belong to the policeman ; these four I bought off the publican ; these belong to the baker . ’
22 There is n't a back door and I doubt whether even you with that charmed life of yours can come up with a way out of this one . ’
23 The uncertain boundaries of the duchy gave rise to numerous disputes , any one of which might flare up into a major conflict , as the war of Saint Sardos demonstrated .
24 There may be , within this bonfire — and until it 's taken apart we will not be able to ascertain this — there may be petroleum cans in there , there may be small L P G cylinders , all of which will go off with a very large explosion and possibly cause some injury to life .
25 The Liverpool-based operation has recently designed , developed and installed 25 new document scanning machines , each of which can handle up to 25,000 pools coupons an hour .
26 It brings a fleet of seven 44-seater British Aerospace aircraft to Liverpool , each of which can carry up to six tonnes of freight .
27 The 68360 combines a 68020-based 32-bit central processing core and a RISC-based communications controller managing four high-bandwidth serial communications channels , each of which can support up to eight major communications protocols .
28 But some of you will come out with some lovely ideas and they always do all you know .
29 Oddly enough , Ceauşescu was always a shrewder judge of the likely choice for the highest offices of democratic electorates than of who would come out on top of the Soviet politburo .
30 More of one may make up for less of another in some circumstances .
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