Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [pron] might [adv] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 They could therefore intercede with him for the living , to whom they might appear , and for whom they might still work miracles .
2 ‘ The one woman for whom I might almost leave my roulette table . ’
3 I had written a particularly tear-jerking script for 1OAB 's ‘ last hour ’ for which we might well have played ‘ Hearts and Flowers ’ as an obbligato .
4 some of them you might just ignore and say Oh I 'm not bothered about that others
5 We see our own dissatisfactions , our own pointless , unfocused longings in her and we are forced , because we are shown the terrible thing that happens to her , to question aspects of ourselves which might otherwise remain unexamined .
6 But these identities are no longer lurid alibis towards which he might credibly escape ; they are playthings , alternative lives issued under licence by the celebrated author .
7 And it has solved the problem of accommodating Bach 's tessitura , which often extends beyond the capabilities of violin and viola , in an ingenious manner of which we might easily imagine Bach himself to have approved .
8 There are many other products and services available from your bank , some of which you might never need , but some of which you probably will .
9 So she knew that in the few years since she had last been in England great changes had begun to take place from some of which she might clearly benefit .
10 By the look of him he might well have left a genuine World War Two leather bomber jacket in the bedroom .
11 In this respect , however , Reynolds 's Newspaper had devised an interesting prototype of what we might nowadays call ‘ anomie theory ’ , arguing that crime was an inevitable result of the system of distribution of wealth and opportunity .
12 Hall and Davidoff have studied Victorian domestic ideology ; they have shown the importance of that ideology to an understanding of what we might now consider to be a " natural " division between public and private spheres based on a supposedly " natural " division between the sexes .
13 They 're very important , part of her background — of what you might almost call her mythology .
14 The diploma ( at an examining fee of three guineas ) was , Coleman claimed , signed by people known to all Europe , and this would undoubtedly carry great weight in the country town in which the qualifying student might go to practise ; local medical men would see that the certificate must refer to men with whom they might safely associate .
15 Robyn rose early to skies that promised a truly blissful day of warm summer sunshine , showered and dressed and then drove off in her dilapidated jeep which was packed to the gunwales with everything she might possibly need for the day ahead .
16 At all events SLA research , though of considerable theoretical and descriptive interest , has yielded as yet nothing definitive upon which one might confidently model an approach to formal teaching which replicates the process of natural learning ( see Chapter 2 ) .
17 I wrote the above lines several years ago about a site which I visit regularly as an indication of the sort of way in which we might best approach sacred sites in the landscape .
18 He 's written you a poem in which you might well think he was describing a fox outside his window but just at the point when the fox seems most real , it might be coming through the window or it might be going into its hole , he says that the hole that this fox lives in is his head .
19 In any case , social prognosis is a notoriously unsafe activity , and it is one from which we might wisely refrain .
20 Philip French wrote in The Times , ‘ Once again , the considerable talent of Michael Crawford is squandered on feeble material , and he is excusably incapable of convincing us of the irresistible attraction of an insipid newcomer called Genevieve Gilles , who delivers her lines as if reading them from the small print of an oculist 's chart ( from which they might well have derived ) .
21 To do that would be an achievement because at present the unchartable wilderness of trees seemed as unstable a nowhere as a cloudless sky or as fields under a carpet of snow , a world in which they might go round and round , and from which they might never emerge , a world in which there was no point in going anywhere for the reason that there simply was … nowhere .
22 But he stood there watching until the little car had disappeared , as though Ellen were setting off on a long and dangerous journey from which she might never return .
23 If the explanation for the violent outburst lies in something which might understandably lead a person to be so angry as to lose self-control , then this supplies an added reason for mitigating the offence and the sentence .
24 The pain lies in the reminder how far , how irrevocably , hopelessly far we are from what we might once have had , from what was so nearly within the grasp .
25 I 've always been a bit of an organiser , so when I looked in on ffeatherstonehaugh 's , started to go regularly and saw that things seemed to be in a bit of a mess , it seemed to me I might usefully give it some of my time . ’
26 The Prime Minister announced on Nov. 26 that some months earlier the Queen had asked him to consider the basis on which she might voluntarily pay tax on her personal income and also take responsibility for certain payments to additional members of the royal family ; the Prince of Wales had made a similar request with regard to the Duchy of Cornwall .
27 You 're right to tread carefully , as if you do say anything to him you might well frighten him off !
28 In this respect , it is useful to pay attention to what we might now term the human rights ' issue as one examines the handling of public — private morality in the Irish constitution .
29 The vigorous characterisation of his early style , as witnessed in Flora Macdonald , gave way to what we might now call a more subtle psychological penetration .
30 The research findings indicate that many authorities have a long way to go before their procedures come close to what one might reasonably describe as a partnership with parents .
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