Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [pron] [vb mod] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 When he crossed the Glen it would be in his own good time , and with an eye to what prizes were left alive for the taking , and for them he would fight as doughtily as any man if he must .
2 Between them they will pick up an aggregate £1.9m to cover early termination of their service agreements .
3 Then you can write a piece for me which will point out the problems , without declaring that they are insoluble short of a social revolution .
4 Despite the outcome of the final , my message to Will and the boys is thanks for the memories ; for me they will live forever , and I will have great pleasure in years to come to say ‘ I was there ’ , not ‘ I was embarrassed ’ .
5 ‘ When I left it was open ended so that if things did not work out for me I could go back to playing Charlene .
6 I just have a lot of respect for someone who can pick up a piece of wood or metal and make music out of it . ’
7 Salvation came from without : the development of some de facto secondary work in the higher ‘ standards ’ or years of Board schools , the improvements in the older grammar schools , the use of various ‘ institutes ’ dedicated to helping working men get more education , the creation of new , civic universities like Owens in Manchester , and the expansion of London University , gave men who wanted a basic education beyond primary school new opportunities , after which they could go on to a denominational college which was now more able to concentrate on theology .
8 At weekends it makes for a good day 's outing to take the family for a picnic , after which they can gather as many strawberries as they want at the various fruit farms dotted around .
9 There , in the only cinema , we had a sadistic manager who delighted in not letting the kids into ‘ A ’ films unless we could con a grown-up into buying the tickets and going in with us , after which we would split up and go our separate ways , ourselves to the front row if possible , otherwise as near to the screen as we could get .
10 You then go south , to meet a minor road known as South Town Lane which you follow for around 500 yards after which you must branch off to cross a plantation called the Warren .
11 On Wednesday evening , the Admiral looked in on the club after dinner and Amiss heard him say goodnight to the five , remarking that he had a little work to do in the office , after which he would get back home and turn in : he looked forward to seeing them the following day .
12 " If you 'll nobbut stop runnin' after 'em they 'll settle down .
13 I mean , all I use I mean , if I was making them for somebody I would use about four or five layers and then I would put a piece of lace of braid or something at the top
14 Molly felt similarly safe , brought to this strange place about which she would have clearly so much to learn .
15 The origin of the field is , in effect , the magnetic field at the source region of the wind , that is , the surface of the Sun , though this is an extremely complicated phenomenon about which I shall say very little .
16 Mind you they 'd probably get a hundred thousand for theirs I should think now .
17 That figure will be part of a programme through which we will spend more than £1 billion on housing next year .
18 The arrangement whereby builders in competition with each other were invited to quote a price for which they would carry out all the work indicated on drawings and a specification , and to sign a contract to that effect , was introduced as a standard procedure by Hunt into the Office of Works as a means of controlling expenditure .
19 Colleges made a major contribution to that work , an activity , as with In-Service generally , for which they would lack both credibility and resources were their teacher education work to be further reduced , as the proposed reforms threaten .
20 These people only understood one thing and that was individualism and by telling people to jog and eat brown bread , they defined health as an individual problem for which they could offer only individual solutions .
21 It is a place of calm and classical beauty : I am afraid it is exactly the sort of place for which one must long most desperately when out of Greece .
22 Or or some vague question like that er for which you must work out the answers .
23 The Honorary Members were John Couch Adams , the astronomer ; William Crookes , the chemist , of whom we shall hear more ; W. E. Gladstone , Prime Minister again early in that year in the midst of the Irish Home Rule struggles ; John Ruskin ; Lord Tennyson ; A. R. Wallace , the co-discoverer of natural selection ; and G. F. Watts , the painter .
24 You remember Gustave 's Madame Schlesinger , the woman who first cicatrised his adolescent heart , the woman with whom everything was doomed and hopeless , the woman of whom he used to boast furtively , the woman for whose sake he had bricked up his heart ( and you accuse our sex of vain romance ? ) .
25 At the same time these original articles , which were generally sympathetic to the Princess of Wales , proved to those around her , many of whom I would meet later , that at last her side of the story could be told fairly .
26 I could name at least three of my friends who would have been prompt to offer this undeniably attractive young man a doss down on the sofa , and one of them who would have already been thinking of taking him upstairs for the night …
27 If she married one of them she could look forward to a life of uncertainty , warfare , shortages , assassinations , massacres and tragedy .
28 The curving windows at the stern are freckled with spray ; through one of them you can make out a set of fat capstans and a listless macaroni of sodden rope .
29 So some of them you can work out buy if you know what a transformer does , it steps down all of the current , it reduces the voltage .
30 Exercise 1 : Try playing the children 's party game where you spend two minutes looking at an assortment of small items on a tray , then cover them with a cloth and see how many of them you can write down .
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