Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [verb] to [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Because he could think of nothing to say to her in reply , Gaily bought her a drink and left .
2 It 's not easy to find words for what the two of them meant to me at that time .
3 Both of them wrote to him at school , and Rudd remembers selling the foreign stamps off their letters to buy The Autocar .
4 The Scots ' commissioners in London were far from pleased with this new English church , and one of them referred to it as ‘ but a lame , Erastian presbytery ’ .
5 This volume was thus very largely taken up with an exposition of the doctrine of the Trinity , not as a second-order theological construction , but as sketching the basis within God himself of the possibility and actuality of his making of himself known to us in jesus Christ .
6 ‘ I 'm sick of him whining to me about you .
7 ( Feb 20-Mar 20 ) You should read the forecast for Sagittarius , so much of it applies to you at the moment .
8 The French students commented on the relaxed and friendly atmosphere in the college and were envious of what seemed to them to be very small classes .
9 So , shortly before noon , Molly trusted Mr Corduroy with her money and at six o'clock when she was in the kitchen opening a packet of cornflakes for Jacqueline 's supper the tap , left on , coughed discreetly and loosed off a generous gush of what looked to her like particularly clean and upmarket water .
10 It seems probable that the high metabolic rate of such diminutive creatures is a reflection of what appears to us as a high-speed mental appreciation of events .
11 I have already put a good deal of stress upon two contrasted aspects of what seems to me to be the central paradox of anthropology considered as an intellectual discipline .
12 But it 's the story of how I did them , of what happened to me in doing them .
13 The second section , " Hiroshima 1945–1979 " , is a set of portraits of contributors to " Genboku no ko " ( Children of the Atomic Bombing ) , 186 accounts by children of what happened to them on 6 August 1945 .
14 In consideration of your disclosing to us on your own behalf [ and on behalf of the vendors ] the confidential information listed in the memorandum issued by [ ] dated [ ] concerning the proposed disposal of [ the share capital ] / [ business ] of Prospective Target , we undertake [ both to you and to the vendors ] that we shall :
15 In consideration of your disclosing to us on your own behalf [ and on behalf of the vendors ] the confidential information listed in the memorandum issued by [ ] dated [ ] concerning the proposed disposal of [ the share capital ] / [ business ] of Prospective Target , we undertake [ both to you and to the vendors ] that we shall :
16 " Well , then , " she continued , with what seemed to her to be the very height of aware sophistication , " why ever did you want to come here on this sort of trip ? "
17 Molly turned the paper over and found a list of figures prefixed with lire signs and equipped with what seemed to her to be generous allowances of noughts .
18 She followed that up with what seemed to her to be the inevitable question : ‘ Well , are you a virgin then ? ’
19 How could she get through an evening in his company when everything that was female in her responded to him in a way that knocked her totally off balance ?
20 In what seemed to him to be the far distance he could see Mariana and the President climbing up the meadow to meet him .
21 It was then that I decided to help myself , so I went along to the local college and enrolled in what appeared to me to be ‘ a way to relax ’ — the Alexander Technique .
22 He comes into close contact with both a teacher and other children of his own age and many of his future feelings about himself will result from what happens to him at this time .
23 She listened in silence while the girl , who insisted on being called Claire because , she explained , people viewed her profession with enough scepticism without her adding to it by adopting some theatrical and phoney title , informed her that she had managed to prepare her birth chart .
24 He clicked the intercom again and said , ‘ Miss Bassett , all calls regarding the Briant project are to he switched to me from here on in .
25 The bridge in Darlington that proudly displays the Teasdale Bros name is Stonebridge although the plaque on it refers to it as St Cuthbert 's Bridge .
26 For similar reasons , the new sociologists of deviance were hostile to what appeared to them to be the reduction of crime to a ‘ technical ’ problem .
27 James asked ruefully , already regretting his decision to come to what appeared to him to be a backward , run-down , poverty-stricken island .
28 I can now turn to what appears to me to be the crucial question in this case : was the 1s. 6d. an ‘ ordinary retail selling price ’ within the meaning of section 8 ?
29 We come here to what seems to me to be the central dilemma in second language pedagogy : the conditions appropriate for acquiring communicative resources are different from the conditions of their use .
30 Casual references by our political leaders to what seems to them to be the quite recent past can be lost on a young audience .
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