Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [noun] to [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 Two years after her conversion to strictness of life , she was sexually attracted to a man she knew well , although she seems to have had just before this a grandiose sense of her own imperviousness to sin .
2 However , since , in the mixed condition , the high incidence of singular references is associated with continuations based on the named-character , support is gained for the idea of contrast over mixed description types , influenced or driven by a tendency to isolate a named character through its elevation to status of ‘ principal character ’ ( cf.
3 Tell the President that you have not forgotten about Wang Xizhe and other Pro-Democracy Movement activists who are still jail for the peaceful exercise of their right to freedom of expression .
4 The newspaper and its journalists applied to the European Court , claiming that the ban was an infringement of their right to freedom of expression .
5 But a nation now so proud of its right to freedom of speech could not exempt British institutions from criticism .
6 AIBS considers Son-hee to be a prisoner of conscience , detained for the peaceful exercise of her rights to freedom of expression and association .
7 Certainly there is no doubt of the strength of Catherine 's desire for a good press in Western Europe and of her sensitivity to criticism of any kind : vanity and amour propre played a greater role in her policies than in those of any other ruler of the period .
8 My earlier justifications of an elitist selection procedure for our target group of students are incompatible with my commitment to equality of opportunity .
9 And as I recall as a child there were well over a hundred ponies down Pit at that time , because during the nineteen twenty one strike they brought them all up to the surface and put them in the fields and I used to go with my father to sort of look after them .
10 The Foreign Office , Ministry of Defence and intelligence services were resolute in their opposition to relaxation of the security rules .
11 In his footnote to Analysis of the Phenomena of the Human Mind , J. S. Mill says that it is not ‘ the individual and instantaneous impressions ’ that an object produces in us that we predicate of the object .
12 This was " our Arthur " at his first big political contest on home ground since his election to presidency of the union .
13 In one year 's time I would be doing At each stage you move backwards through time and ask your unconscious mind to help you see a picture of yourself being highly successful on your way to completion of your objectives .
14 we did , we did try to pu well , as I say , with the trouble we had upstairs , we just thought it just was n't worth our while to sort of mess
15 So the arrival and use of relational databases has been absolutely perfect for our approach to development of accounting systems .
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