Example sentences of "[prep] [art] last [adj] years [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For the last four years work has been going on behind the scenes and while over six million passengers per annum used the terminal during this project , few were aware of what was happening .
2 Kurt Forster , for the last eight years Director of the Getty Center for the History of Art and the Humanities at Santa Monica , has resigned to accept the Chair in the History of Art and Architecture at Zurich 's Federal Polytechnic .
3 For the last three years Bowler , 32 , had been taking anti-depressant medication as a result of her husband 's treatment of her .
4 For the last ten years interest in the double-breasted suit has been enthusiastically revived , but now the single-breasted has its champions again .
5 For the last forty years population growth has been used an explanation for African famine , allowing us to blame Africans for bringing their poverty upon themselves .
6 During the last twenty years advertising has enjoyed many important changes such as the introduction of colour television commercial radio , and colour printing in newspapers .
7 Er normally as I said earlier payable at the age of sixty erm and the benefits are based on average salary which is the best three hundred and sixty five days out of the last ten ninety five so it 's the best year out of the last three years salary .
8 The horrors of eighteenth-century madhouses engender disbelieving revulsion in the twentieth century , yet throughout the last thirty years scandal after scandal has been reported in the press with depressing regularity and without the concern that might have been expected in an apparently liberal and caring society .
9 In the last five years evaluation has received much attention in UK academic libraries and particularly in parts of the research projects sponsored by the BLR&DD .
10 As Mr Gladstone has pointed out , in the last few years progress has been far more rapid because improved education has created in all classes of the community an increased desire and appetite for literature which did not formerly exist , and that can only be supplied by means of such public libraries in which we are now met .
11 In the last ten years football has been littered with Wembley teams who have gone down . ’
12 In the last ten years employment in Britain has changed dramatically .
13 I guess that over the last six years television has given him only a quarter of her exposure .
14 Over the last thirty years advertising , that most powerful publicity weapon , has discovered how lucrative it can be to add a " new dimension " to the service it offers to clients .
15 Alan Milburn , said official department of employment figures showed that over the last two years youth unemployment has increased over 40pc faster than the general rise .
16 Although the primary importance of state benefits in financing old age may decline in the future as both the opportunities and the incentives increase for today 's working population to accumulate private assets for retirement , there can be little doubt that over the last eighty years state pensions have been instrumental in sustaining a considerable degree of economic independence among the retired population .
17 Over the last few years work has been carried out on using machine readable dictionaries as a source of linguistic knowledge ( Amsler , 1981 ) , ( Boguraev & Briscoe , 1987 ) — thereby enabling the production of a large vocabulary lexicon for considerably less effort than was previously required .
18 Over the last three years photographer Ann Jousiffe has worked in North Africa and the Middle East and with her exhibition at Cafe Casbar , Earlham Street , London from 4 to 29 February , she hopes to present a more realistic view of the area .
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