Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [adj] [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Richard Baxter observed the truth of our Lord 's teaching that it is hard for the rich to enter the kingdom of heaven , but the poor received the Gospel gladly .
2 In the case of the first one to be founded after 1850 — Dundee in 1853 — a deaf person , Alexander Drysdale who was then headmaster of the Dundee School for the Deaf took the lead to establish an adult mission .
3 The services that the authorities developed for the handicapped followed the model already established for the blind .
4 In 1548 , therefore , there was no reason for the Scots to fear the alienation of their queen .
5 There was no need for the accused to reach the restaurant door .
6 It did not take long for the Japanese to recognise the value of railways , and their natural imitativeness served them well in grasping the salient features of railway work .
7 It was therefore vital for the French to retake the north bank and this they achieved amidst vines heavily laden with fruit , reoccupying both Épernay and Reims by 13 September .
8 According to de Lattre , France had spent too much blood and treasure for the Vietnamese to expect the sort of independence that was to be found in the British Commonwealth .
9 As the rough represents the variability around the smoothed line , it is sometimes appropriate to use it to indicate the typical degree of variation around the smoothed curve .
10 Where Marx turned Hegel on his head to create historical materialism , Toffler , argues , history turned Marx on his head as the informational determines the material .
11 The European Footballer of the Year , who came on as substitute in Holland 's last qualifier against Wales four weeks ago , has been named in the squad and is certain to start the Group Four match as the Dutch seek the point they need to qualify for the finals .
12 Of course , often when moral arguments such as the above favouring the regulation of insider dealing are advocated , those who support unfettered dealing shift the emphasis to questions of economic efficiency , proof , and enforcement .
13 Narrow ideas about the feminine inform the film , as do male fears about powerful women .
14 In Southampton seamen aboard the Olympic jumped the gun by walking off the liner on 9 June following a stoppage by coal bunkerers and trimmers working on the same ship some days earlier .
15 Not even the screams of the wounded and the moans of the dying broke the hush .
16 Since the insertion of the dielectric increased the surface charge density on the plates by a factor with the voltage remaining unchanged , we may conclude that the capacitance has also increased by the same factor , yielding
17 Persons of rank hardly needed anything as manifest as an active involvement in lay preaching on the part of the poor to resent the impropriety of an assertion of spiritual equality .
18 You were n't huddling because of the trying to ease the pain a bit ?
19 Which of the following did the salesperson encourage you to do when you bought your bed ? ( please tick all that apply )
20 Denial of the social reduces the felt value of design at the same time as activity is devalued .
21 Rain on the day of the National made the tape sag more than normal .
22 May I come to the aid of your correspondents who have been so severely maligned for daring to question the divine right of the English to claim the whole of these islands as their own ?
23 The air which he breathed was that of the famous treatise on the resting places of the old English saints , and of the days when , in Eadmer 's words , ‘ it was the custom of the English to prefer the patronage of the saints to every worldly aid ’ .
24 My hon. Friend the Member for Halifax made the point that the rundown of long-stay care for the elderly in our health service and the move towards the elderly having the opportunity to go only into private nursing care is to be deprecated .
25 It is obvious that you can not out of a joint get the sauceboat full which usually appears on the table .
26 In one sense all indirect taxation is hardly equitable because it falls on the rich and the poor , like the old saying the rain , it raineth every day upon the rich and just and unjust fellow .
27 ‘ When we were looking around for a royal to open the centre , we were promised as soon as someone was available for a royal visit , we would get one , ’ said Peter Carberry , chairman of Darlington Mind .
28 The scales on the lower half of the body carry black marks which show up as a black patterning the intensity of which depends on the fish 's mood and condition .
29 It is er er the police auth authorities are would not be robust to changes of government , they would not be responsive to the leads of local people as expressed through their elected members and the er the Government 's proposals are inadequate as a final remind the Committee that at second reading thirty f er five out of thirty seven speakers spoke against largely against th the tenor of the Bill with er er wi with with various reservations o of all kinds .
30 THERE will be another feather in the cap for Stirling County 's pioneering youth policy this weekend as a stand-off makes the grade at the highest level .
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