Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun] [noun prp] at the " in BNC.

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1 Scottish international Lynn Harding , preparing for the Stockholm Marathon at the end of the month , set a course record when she won the women 's race by over four minutes from Durham City veteran Julie Coleby .
2 Although mentioned by Conan Doyle as a quiet village to which one of Sherlock Holmes ' clients retired , and the birthplace of Mrs. Beeton , of cookery fame , Penge owes its development mainly to the re-erection of the Crystal Palace at the top of Anerley Hill , in 1854 , when it was removed from the Great Exhibition of 1851 in Hyde Park .
3 The Minoans were capable of producing a large surplus of olive oil which could have been exported ; some of the oil filling the store-rooms of the Knossos Labyrinth at the time of the 1380 BC fire may have been awaiting export .
4 There was Danny Kelly , the man who 'd binned my review of The Blubbery Hellbellies at The Bull And Gate .
5 A priest is there to be for us a specific and bodily reminder of the man Jesus at the Last Supper .
6 ‘ We seem to be travelling all the time when it comes to cups , and indeed we will be at Instonians in the next round of the Touche Ross at the beginning of June , ’ said Garfield .
7 First , the publication of the Nazimov Rescript at the end of 1857 cut short the year-long procrastination of the Secret Committee .
8 Easily Accessible : The Fat Lamb is situated on the edge of the Howgill Fells at the foot of Wild Boar ( 2,324 feet ) .
9 some 30 to 40 large fig trees have become naturalised on the banks of the River Avon at the heart of the city .
10 Sergio Stoppel , president of the Chilean FA at the time , has been banned from involvement in football for life .
11 Throughout the United Kingdom at the time of writing — the late 1980s — there is a sense that profound changes are under way in the economy .
12 Grauves has some well-sheltered vineyards which face each other on opposite slopes of a small valley beneath the Bois d'Avize at the northern end of the Côte des Blancs .
13 It is only half a mile away , near the Docklands Arena at the other end of the Mudchute .
14 European Ryder Cup hopefuls Barry Lane , David Gilford and Steven Richardson considerably improved their chances of gaining selection for the match against the United States at The Belfry in September with top-six finishes in the Lancia Martini Italian Open at Modena .
15 Everybody was drinking too much and I felt like a Mother Superior at the bottle factory outing .
16 Thus , while the British government shared the concern in Washington over Soviet encouragement of a separatist movement in the northern Iranian province of Azerbaijan in the early months of 1946 , Bevin wisely chose to act merely in parallel with the United States at the UN .
17 But Europe 's Ryder Cup captain Bernard Gallacher will be a happy man if Woosnam and Lyle can maintain this form as both will be needed for the showdown with the United States at the Belfry in September .
18 His last campaign , in 1845 , fought with pamphlet and sonnet , was against the projected Kendal and Windermere Railway , which would have brought tourists into the Lake District at the price of wrecking the scenery .
19 POLICE said yesterday that a body taken from the River Clyde at the weekend was that of John McGregor , 49 , who had been missing from his home in Millerfield Place , Glasgow , since December last year .
20 The donor must be resident in the United Kingdom at the time that the gift is made .
21 Less than 5 per cent of sticky eyes in newborn babies are caused by the gonococcus in the United Kingdom at the present time , although it is more common in other parts of the world .
22 Such regional devolution is well known and topical in the United Kingdom at the present day .
23 Earlier research produced a comprehensive description of medical student selection in the United Kingdom at the beginning of the 1980s .
24 Excluded property which is not to be included in the estate of a person ( which means the aggregate of all the property to which that person is beneficially entitled including settled property in which he has an interest in possession ) immediately before his death embraces for CTT purposes : ( a ) settled property situated outside the United Kingdom unless the settlor was domiciled in the United Kingdom at the time the settlement was made ; and ( b ) securities issued by the Treasury subject to the condition that they shall be exempt from taxation while in the beneficial ownership of persons neither domiciled nor ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom provided in the case of settled property either that such .
25 Where property comprised in a settlement is situate outside the United Kingdom , the property is excluded property unless the settlor was domiciled in the United Kingdom at the time the settlement was made ( IHTA 1984 , s48(3) ) .
26 In order for settled property to be excluded from inheritance tax it is necessary that the settlor was not domiciled in the United Kingdom at the time the settlement was made and , in addition , it is necessary that at the time of the relevant charge , eg on the death of a life tenant or when a ten year charge occurs if the trust is a discretionary trust or where assets are appointed out of a discretionary trust , the particular trust assets are not located in the United Kingdom .
27 The effect of s80 is that if , for instance , the settlor creates a trust for himself for life and then his son for life or absolutely that in order for the trust to be an excluded property trust the settlor must not be domiciled in the United Kingdom at the time when the settlement is created and nor must he be domiciled in the United Kingdom ( and this would include deemed domiciled in the United Kingdom ) at the time of his death .
28 Note it is important in that case that not only the settlor but the spouse of the settlor was not domiciled in the United Kingdom at the time of the last to die otherwise the property would not be in an excluded property settlement — see s80(1) which refers to the last of the spouse or the settlor to cease to be beneficially entitled to an interest in possession .
29 In the United States at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Centre in Denver , Dr John T. Zimmerman , a noted energy field researcher , has developed a Biomagnetic Imager ( BMI ) which will detect and display in colour , on a screen , the changing patterns of the magnetic field energy surrounding a living organism .
30 Liebowitz and Horowitz ( 1968 ) suggested that what was happening in the United States at the time , was a process of merging of politics and social deviance such that they were becoming indistinguishable .
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