Example sentences of "[prep] [be] [adv] [verb] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Anyway , all I could see were violet eyes and a wide smile , and , after a few weeks of being slowly driven to distraction by your lovely ghost following me around , I decided to come to England .
2 In spite of being wholeheartedly committed to trolleybus conversion , there were still some minor improvements to the tram facilities .
3 In spite of being almost tethered to Marguerite , Jenna enjoyed the trip and was rewarded later by being instructed in the cooking of some of the purchases .
4 Being Ymor 's right-hand man was like being gently flogged to death with scented bootlaces .
5 VX147 was later loaned to Lettice Curtis to take part in the Grosvenor Challenge Trophy air race , held in August 1949 at Birmingham 's Elmdon Airport , before being further loaned to BEA for a series of trials while still in service colours .
6 However , this is not what was expected from Study 1 where recall seemed to be strongly related to ratings of subjective risk .
7 Anaspids also show a dorsally placed nasohypophysial opening and are therefore considered to be closely related to lampreys and cephalaspids .
8 Rather than a bourgeois audience , however , he saw the fabliau as belonging primarily to a seigneurial , aristocratic milieu , and to be closely related to romance precisely as the antithesis of romance ; as being very largely parodic .
9 Fiegehan and his colleagues ( 1977 ) found age to be closely related to poverty : old people in Britain often subsist on very small incomes indeed .
10 Concepts of instrumentation in this period appear still to be closely allied to Renaissance consort principles .
11 Deskilling appeared to be closely linked to computerization : least skill was required by the clerks at the most computerized of the institutions , the local authority .
12 Pietro Petraroia , soprintendente of the Brera , has arranged for the painting to be temporarily transferred to Milan for a detailed technical and stylistic comparison to be undertaken .
14 ‘ These things ought , in my judgement , to be wholly forbidden to children , ’ I said , instead .
15 Smectite and illite may form preferentially near the weathering front only to be eventually altered to kaolinite , and perhaps gibbsite , as gradual lowering of the weathering front and erosion at the top of the profile effectively causes individual clay mineral particles to move up through the profile .
16 At a gig in Newcastle , I was reprimanded for saying that a condom smelt ‘ fishy ’ , as this was deemed to be implicitly degrading to women .
17 The best friend of Princess Diana 's brother was said to have arranged for bullion to be secretly exported to India .
18 Research topics do not need to be immediately related to BP Chemicals operations but they must be on environmental matters .
19 On the face of it , hand-composition in letterpress printing seemed to be well suited to women 's " dexterity " .
20 American station design had found a truly contemporary style which proved to be well suited to station scale .
21 An American report found heart rate to be positively related to blood glucose ( Stamler et al , 1975 ) .
22 We happened to be talking about the diary habit which , nowadays , seems to be largely confined to politicians . ’
23 Do you want to be slowly battered to death , before dying in agony ? ’
24 Not all poems are sufficiently lyrical , and they may be overburdened with wordy information : This kind poetry is far too prolix to be successfully set to music .
25 Confronting explicitly collectivist opponents for the first time , the Conservative party , so Fforde contends , stressed the values of the free market , turned to the classical economists to justify non-intervention , and revealed themselves to be doctrinally committed to individualism .
26 The Scottish data are the most recent and most reliable and they show that the lower socio-economic groups are more likely to be both admitted to hospital and to stay longer than the higher socio-economic groups .
27 As a ‘ new ’ curricular area , the rationale for PSD modules will have to be carefully explained to students , parents and employers .
28 Also , these studies did not take into account HDL levels , which are well known to be inversely related to serum triglyceride concentrations ( Hulley et al , 1980 ) .
29 Balliol also agreed to repay Edward for the help he had given in preparing the expedition by handing over to him land worth £2,000 a year to be selected from those parts of Scotland adjacent to England : in effect , the southern counties of Scotland were to be permanently ceded to England .
30 Ah , oh , oh there 's a change , you 're lucky , he used to be home talking to Sue oh excuse me you wan na break free
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