Example sentences of "[prep] [be] [verb] to us [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Chairman I have an amendment to that motion , because , because I believe it 's important that we start to identify a lot of councils publish at the end of the year for public consumption a list of the allowances drawn by members , and I think that would be very useful and I would make , as an amendment , I would , would add to the proposal put by Mr that we call for a report to be pu er , to be presented to us of the amounts of allowances drawn by members , each member
2 It also has to be explained to us by a woman , who will examine us if necessary and keep it a secret .
3 I wonder if you could arrange for these to be returned to us for signature by the Press ?
4 I refer to my letter to you of 18 May last , in which I explained that the Agreement that you had signed for the above tape had not been signed on behalf of Oxford University Press , and that the duplicate copy which you had retained for your records needed to be returned to us for signature in Oxford before I could despatch your copy of the tape to you .
5 Nothing is going to be handed to us on a plate ; on the contrary , everything must be fought for and that 's why women 's organizations are necessary .
6 Surviving rules of gilds of laymen suggest that most such associations had a spiritual aspect ; in tenth-century Exeter gildsmen assembled " for the love of God and for our souls ' need , having regard both to the prosperity of our life and also to the days thereafter which we wish to be allotted to us at God 's Judgement " , and gave any member going on pilgrimage overseas five pence from each of his colleagues .
7 It was at this point that Venturous took over the job completely and we holed up discreetly just round the corner in Helford River to await news of the suspect 's departure , to be signalled to us by our Investigation colleagues ashore .
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