Example sentences of "[prep] [conj] be [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In this approach , solutions in the interaction region for or are related to the functions and , and hence S may be obtained as a function of f and g .
2 The case of Goff v Gauthier ( 1991 ) 62 P & CR 388 has shown that it must be fair and reasonable for the vendor to rely on this exclusion ( see page 62 ) ; ( e ) to state that the vendor will not be liable to the extent that any claim arises out of or is increased by the acts or omissions of the purchaser after completion ; ( f ) to provide that the purchaser must give credit for the amount by which assets are found to have been understated , or liabilities have been over-provided for in the accounts ; ( g ) to ensure that the purchaser pays to the vendor all amounts subsequently recovered from third parties relating to claims that have been paid by the vendor .
3 25. ( 1 ) Any Director may at any time appoint another Director or any other person being a solicitor or registered foreign lawyer who is a member or officer of or is working in the practice of the Company approved by the Directors to be his alternate Director and may at any time terminate such appointment .
4 25. ( 1 ) Any Director may at any time appoint another Director or any other person being a solicitor or registered foreign lawyer who is a member or officer of or is working in the practice of the Company approved by the Directors to be his alternate Director and may at any time terminate such appointment .
5 ‘ where the matter consists of or is contained in a fair and accurate report of proceedings publicly heard before a court or tribunal exercising judicial authority , provided the report is published contemporaneously with those proceedings or , if it is not reasonably practicable or would be unlawful to publish a report of them contemporaneously , is published as soon as publication is reasonably practicable and lawful . ’
6 A further provision of SI 274 extends the exemption to companies other than listed companies and those listed on specified exchanges , provided that the advertisement meets the general criteria , and consists of or is accompanied by the whole or any part of the body corporate 's annual accounts or by the directors ' report .
7 In so far as these people share the interests of and are engaged in the practices of the global capitalist system they are members of the transnational capitalist class .
8 Regulationists argue that Fordism was part of and was sustained by the United States ' dominance at the international level and the shift to neo-Fordism has coincided with a challenge to the United States ' domination of the international economy .
9 Here reading aloud is accomplished by retrieval of the information , which is thought of as being stored as an entry in an internal dictionary or ‘ mental lexicon ’ .
10 Where the complaint is of shoddy work , the solicitor 's file is called for and is passed to an experienced report writer for detailed comment .
11 Or it may have been that the shares were not purchased but were subscribed for and were issued to the investors by Euramco .
12 Until now we have been concerned with how water gets into and is distributed around the house , sometimes being heated on the way .
13 The strength of the culture may be said to lie in the convergence of these orientations — that is , they are compatible with and reinforce one another , and similarly are compatible with and are reinforced by the experience of history .
14 Since the new recruits in the hive had not been tampered with and were stimulated by the light , they misinterpreted the dance of the returning foragers .
15 If the users participate more , perhaps being responsible for the design , then they are far more likely to be satisfied with and be committed to the system once it is implemented .
16 Rather , it is the share of temporary workers who work via and are paid by an agency which is many times higher than average .
17 Goal congruence : employee and organization share the same goals ( e.g. a football team , a religious society ) ; the reward is an emotional wellbeing from believing in or being committed to a superordinate goal .
18 Technically each movement emanates from and is circled round a centre line of balance .
19 The majority of the miners had never claimed state benefits before and were intimidated by the whole process .
20 The tenants will normally be answerable to the landlord for the use they make of the property , and certain restrictions are normally agreed upon and are contained in the covenants in the lease .
21 Some witnesses to the incident , however , claimed that Garcia was unarmed and was fired upon while being beaten on the ground .
22 possess any secret official code word , or password , or sketch , plan , model , article , note , document or information which relates to or is used in a prohibited place or anything in such a place , or which has been made or obtained in contravention of this Act , or which has been entrusted in confidence to him by any person holding office under Her Majesty or which he has obtained or to which he has had access owing to his position as a person who is or has been employed under a person who holds or has held such an office or contract — [ and who ] ( a ) communicates the code word , pass word , sketch , plan , model , article , note , document , or information to any person other than a person to whom he is authorised to communicate it , or a person to whom it is in the interest of the State his duty to communicate it , or ( aa ) uses the information in his possession for the benefit of any foreign power or in any other manner prejudicial to the safety or interests of the State , or ( b ) retains the sketch , plan , model , article , note , or document in his possession or control when he has no right to retain it or when it is contrary to his duty to retain it , or fails to comply with all directions issued by lawful authority with regard to the return or disposal thereof , or …
23 The section then continues — ‘ But it shall comprise the following particulars : — ( a ) All such property as may belong to or be vested in the bankrupt at the commencement of the bankruptcy , or may be acquired by or devolve on him before his discharge ; …
24 Subject to Section 310 of the Act , every Director or other officer of the Company shall be entitled to be indemnified out of the assets of the Company against all losses or liabilities which he may sustain or incur in or about the execution of the duties of his office or otherwise in relation thereto , including any liability incurred by him in defending any proceedings , whether civil or criminal , in which judgement is given in his favour or in which he is acquitted or in connection with any application under Sections 144(3) or ( 4 ) or 727 of the Act in which relief is granted to him by the Court , and no Director or other officer shall be liable for any loss , damage or misfortune which may happen to or be incurred by the Company in the execution of the duties of his office or in relation thereto .
25 Subject to Section 310 of the Act , every Director or other officer of the Company shall be entitled to be indemnified out of the assets of the Company against all losses or liabilities which he may sustain or incur in or about the execution of the duties of his office or otherwise in relation thereto , including any liability incurred by him in defending any proceedings , whether civil or criminal , in which judgement is given in his favour or in which he is acquitted or in connection with any application under Sections 144(3) or ( 4 ) or 727 of the Act in which relief is granted to him by the Court , and no Director or other officer shall be liable for any loss , damage or misfortune which may happen to or be incurred by the Company in the execution of the duties of his office or in relation thereto .
26 There are arguments about whether we have some ‘ primordial ’ sense of the world which is in some way independent of the symbol systems we use , or to what extent our visual or aural perceptions of painting or music depend on or are penetrated by the knowledge we have through such systems .
27 The fact that the work has been referred to and is performed by an overseas associate is irrelevant in this context .
28 The ‘ introspected self ’ is thus a bodily self , not as someone else 's body appears to and is described by the professional anatomist in his laboratory , but as the anatomist 's own body appears to the anatomist himself . ’
29 He had applied to and been accepted by the Officer Training Corps of the university .
30 Section 1 of the Registered Designs Act 1949 , as amended , defines registrable designs as being : … features of shape , configuration or ornament applied to an article by any industrial process , being features which in the finished article appeal to and are judged by the eye .
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