Example sentences of "[prep] [conj] [vb pp] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Short-term wage work is work that is paid for and contracted for a specific period of time , whether that be a day or a season .
2 After years of being cared for and protected in a human family , the elderly feline disappears one day and is then found dead in a corner of the garden shed next door , or in some even more secretive place .
3 ( Incidentally , I suspect the risks of abuse would be considerably less if the ‘ pay ’ were fought for and won by a united feminist campaign on the grounds that housewives work and deserve money for that reason , than if it were graciously granted by government in a mood of pronatalist , pro-family , antifeminist zeal to cut the costs of the social services . )
4 Then he stiffened as if sandbagged by a sudden recollection , gave a small yelp of terror and dashed into the gloom .
5 The skylight in the ceiling looked as if covered by a dark purple cloth .
6 According to David Hume , Locke was not alone in thinking that visual perception involves something two-dimensional : ‘ It is commonly allowed by philosophers that all bodies which discover themselves to the eye appear as if painted on a plain surface . ’
7 This triggers chemical changes in your body , which reacts as if threatened by a foreign substance .
8 They seemed to glow in the flickering green-gold gold light , as if embraced by a holy nimbus .
9 It flashed from the woodwork and the walls ; it smote him with an awful , total power , as if generated by a vast mill .
10 He did not feel afraid of the ghost and tried to speak to him , but the figure was sad and morose as if struck by a remorseless tragedy .
11 ‘ Mrs Crump , I presume , ’ said Hope , gallantly slicing through the knot , and then he stood back as if struck by a startling thought .
12 ‘ Yes , I 'm afraid they 're ruined , ’ the voice continued , as if engaged in a different conversation .
13 There are illusory curtains , from ceiling to floor , which gently billow into the room as if blown by a warm , gentle breeze .
14 The knife sprang into the air , arced up a few inches as if powered by a small spring .
15 ‘ Little talk with Jesus ? ’ he said , and , halfway through reaching for a tube of tomato purée , he closed his eyes and froze solid as if overtaken by a large quantity of molten lava .
16 He became pale and ill as if taken by a sudden seizure . ’
17 She sighed as if relieved of a huge weight and leaned against his chest , waiting for his arms to go round her , her heart singing as his heart thudded fast beside her cheek .
18 Back on the storm-front , lightning flashed and thunder exploded in long runs that seemed to envelop the length of the mountain chain as if spread by a giant paint-roller .
19 Sore as if bruised with a sore throat , consider Phytolacca which also has a hot red face and cold limbs and body .
20 There was a gleam in the dark , as if reflected off a large eggshell .
21 She knows that even something that seems so simple as giving a wash has to be thought about and done in a sensitive way .
22 That rule prohibits solicitors practising in partnership or " in association " ( where two or more firms have at least one common principal ) from representing : ( 1 ) both seller and buyer in a transfer of land for value at arm 's length ; or ( 2 ) both lessor and lessee on the grant of a lease for value at arm 's length ; or ( 3 ) both lender and borrower in a private mortgage at arm 's length with exceptions made only in the case of : ( 1 ) small transactions ; ( 2 ) where the parties are connected with each other ( commercially or personally ) ; ( 3 ) where there is no other solicitor or licensed conveyancer in the vicinity whom either party might reasonably instruct ; ( 4 ) where two associated firms or two offices of the same firm acting for the parties are in different locations , neither firm having received instructions to act on referral from the other and the matter is dealt with or supervised by a different solicitor at each firm or office and , where the solicitor is not involved in the negotiations , where no conflict of interest arises and where neither vendor nor lessor is a builder or developer .
23 A directly evident proposition is one , in Chisholm 's terminology , which is either identical with or entailed by a true contingent proposition which is all but certain .
24 Therefore , it is more accurate to state ( so far ) that collocation information ’ extracted from and used within a specific domain ’ can significantly improve the recognition process .
25 The Investment Managers Regulatory Organisation had already said that , as a result of responses to its own proposals for individuals in member firms to be trained up to and tested on a certain level of competence , it was having to reconsider them with an obvious impact on its meeting its 1 January 1994 deadline .
26 The information contained on Form BD8 was previously the main criterion for deciding whether a pupil required education in a special school or an ordinary school , and whether the pupil should be referred to and educated as a blind or a partially sighted child .
27 The first is where the whole of the programme is provided by and taught at a major centre , as in the case of Bristol Polytechnic ; the second is where the first year is provided extra-murally at a number of associated centres , while the second year only is provided at the main centre , as the case of Portsmouth Polytechnic ; and the third is where both the first and second years are provided at the main and associate centres as at Plymouth Polytechnic and Cornwall Technical College , Camborne .
28 In that case , the opportunity to earn remuneration arose when the appellant obtained the grant of a tenancy of a public house owned by and tied to a large brewery company .
29 The union supported the idea of a national wage for seafarers , determined by and supervised by a National or London Joint Committee of the parties concerned and corresponding Local Joint Committees but proposed that labour should be supplied by the National Sailors ' and Firemen 's Union .
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