Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] and [vb pp] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Why then has a divorced man , who cheerfully admits he is the wrong side of 50 and used to a fairly fancy-free existence , decided to play Good Samaritan to Bosnian refugees ?
2 ( 2 ) Soviet forces were to be withdrawn from the former East German territory by the end of 1994 and governed by a separate bilateral treaty [ see below ] .
3 Legislation which made official Jewish equality of citizenship rights was passed in the Norddeutschen Bund in 1869 and extended to a united Germany in 1871 .
4 Why he was dragged out in 1558 and transformed from an obscure apostate into one of the very few great martyrs of the Scottish Reformation , remains a mystery .
5 BHC cut the machine in half and put in a central section to carry more cars and passengers .
6 Two tomatoes cut in half and sprinkled with a little castor sugar .
7 The AFTA formula had been proposed by Thailand in 1991 and approved at a meeting of Asean Economics Ministers in Malaysia in October [ see p. 38535 ] .
8 Just as working class girls were included in the state provision of elementary education in 1870 and provided with an education which emphasised the virtues of good housewifery and domestic management , so the increased attention paid to the education of middle class girls during the late Victorian period — by male bureaucrats as well as female pioneers — may be seen as being as much a result of the general educational reform initiative of the period as of feminist ambition .
9 He was born in Fife in 1870 and apprenticed as a carpenter but spent most of his life in England after leaving Scotland in 1893 .
10 A conference held by the two parties discussed the general election which was due in mid-1992 and called for an " independent , national body " to oversee it .
11 Founded in 1637 and rebuilt after a disastrous fire in 1824 .
12 The single , which was originally issued in 1981 and deleted after a run of 2,000 , served as a blueprint for the band 's ‘ Uncertain Smile ’ , recorded after they had signed to Epic .
13 Across the River Plate in Uruguay , the great Central Station in Montevideo , built in 1897 and designed by a Uruguayan architect , Luis Andreoni , virtually marked the coming-of-age of the country .
14 Chief Officer Mason left as a Corporal motor-cyclist in 1914 and returned as a Major in 1919 .
15 It was demolished in 1911 and replaced by a much more utilitarian building .
16 The 1966 Constitution was suspended in 1973 and replaced by a military dictatorship .
17 A room which served Coleridge in a different way stood at the back of the house on the first floor : this was Tom Poole 's vaulted bookroom , created by him early in 1795 and filled with a wide-ranging library which helped to reconcile Coleridge to the loss of his frequent visits to the City Library in Bristol .
18 The Crick Committee , which had been appointed in 1961 and reported on A Higher Award in Business Studies in 1964 , had originally been looking for an equivalent of the DipTech , but had waited for the Robbins Report before issuing its recommendations .
19 A nearly white male was captured in the forests of the Maharaja of Rewa in 1951 and mated with a normally coloured tigress .
20 He was born in Leeds in 1789 and trained as an architect , but by 1830 had taken over the fight against child abuses from Robert Owen ( q.v. ) , and conducted a vigorous campaign for a ten-hour day , which only succeeded in 1847 with the passing of the Ten Hour Bill limiting the working hours of all those aged up to eighteen .
21 Penguin Books has issued an eighth revised edition of Sir John Summerson 's Architecture in Britain 1530–1830 , first published in 1953 and intended as a companion to Ellis Waterhouse 's Painting in Britain 1530–1830 and Margaret Whinney 's Sculpture in Britain which covers the same period .
22 ‘ But it raises fewer objections than the first theory , that he came in half-naked and armed with a razor and yet there are no obvious signs that Berowne put up any resistance . ’
23 DALE EVANS was born in 1956 and reared on a small Welsh farm in Cwmbran , Tredegar , South Wales , where her father breeds black Aberdeen cattle .
24 After mulling over the idea for almost a year , Mr Chambers made the decision to leave Greenfield Human Resources — the agency he joined as a trainee in 1956 and left as a director — and set up on his own .
25 One of the reasons why Napoleon wished to retain close supervision of France 's foreign policy was his understanding of the difficulties which would arise once he began to probe the weaknesses of the European system established in 1815 and designed as a check to French ambition .
26 This paper is based on research carried out in 1991–92 and supported by an SOED grant .
27 ‘ Well , ’ said Dorothea Gilberd , coming in sweaty and harassed from a Geography class with 1A , ‘ there 's certainly no prospect of getting anything done today . ’
28 There were drunken brawls that rolled from one vessel to another and ended with a splash in the cloudy river , or there were glimpses of painted female faces , bodies barely concealed by thin silk shafts .
29 Lindsay , a native Aberdonian , has worked in the offshore industry since 1978 and trained with a major hotel group before joining CCG in 1986 .
30 Vehicles were selected at random and directed into a ‘ sterile zone ’ where they were searched .
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