Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [conj] in a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The large figure of Athena is drawn in a modification of black-figure but in a style that could well be Euthymides 's .
2 The Government found itself not in a majority of 87 but in a minority of 92 .
3 If things had happened differently he , Lewis , would be living in a house like this or in a flat in central London with a cottage in the country as well .
4 Most authorities lacked such a committee before this except in a shadow , non-statutory form within the majority party caucus .
5 He also became friends with the eccentric Duke of Montagu of Boughton House in Northamptonshire , for ‘ In Stamford … there was not one person , clergy or lay , that had any taste of learning or ingenuity , so that I was actually as much dead in converse as in a coffin . ’
6 It follows from this that in a recognition test subjects will find it extremely difficult to distinguish one of the early sentences in a passage from similar sentences which mean the same .
7 21.4 Coherent structures : in general and in a wake
8 The American conductor John Canarina also pointed out that in a performance he attended at Tanglewood in 1965 and in a recording he made with the Chicago Symphony , Munch made two cuts between figs. 110 and 128 ( in the Durand score ) .
9 Here the employer chooses , by whatever method he likes , a specialist either in the specification prior to tender or in a variation order during the course of the contract .
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