Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [conj] [adv] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 That any pricing system adopted recognises the budgetary context as indicated both by the size of DSS transfer and placement rates for 1993/94 but also the inflationary pressures inherent in the adoption of explicit ceilings to which prices may converge .
2 The disparity between that and even the increased pension rates of £54 and £86 for a single person and married couple is enormous and it is getting worse every year .
3 If insufficient attention has been devoted to the design of this and also the related access procedures the symptoms are a plethora of documentation which no individual entirely understands , the temptation to do it again rather than waste time finding out how something has already been done and too much reliance on the human memory .
4 The answer may be one or both of these and only a careful rescue package can avert a total disaster .
5 Continuity between the two fabliaux in the case of animal imagery is a matter of more than just a general resemblance .
6 On the other hand , if ATP wanted to demonstrate that they really are interested in the welfare of more than just the top 75 , as some of their lower-ranked members have recently suggested , then helping Birmingham through its current difficulties , which one hopes are only temporary , would not have been a bad thing .
7 And the ‘ they ’ of more or less the whole town will have heard too .
8 Later in the week , some of us went for an evening swim at a nearby beach — or rather not so nearby , as it entailed a few miles of driving and then a long walk down a deserted track .
9 he 'll eat raw carrot and things like that but otherwise the only vegetables he 'll eat are potatoes he eats
10 In pursuit of this goal , the grammarian will concentrate on a particular body of data and attempt to produce an exhaustive but economical set of rules which will account for all and only the acceptable sentences in his data .
11 Children were constrained in the kinds of response possible and so appeared to treat less as more ; the younger children probably relied on a non-linguistic strategy of choosing the greater of two amounts , and this would account for responses to both more ( apparently correct ) and less ( apparently wrong ) when combined with partial or even no lexical knowledge ; and lastly , children were not given instructions with both more and less on the same occasion .
12 It 's more common among the very young , men with more than just a basic education , and very common among the unemployed .
13 In 1986 , Christopher Lewinton was appointed as chief executive with more or less a free hand to do whatever he felt necessary .
14 Thank you bowlers , six for twenty-five and then a slight contrast , one for a hundred and fifty , but he bowled a great many overs , that 's er , he 's proving a very useful addition to the the England side and he 's being used erm very sensibly by Gooch .
15 For him , the " Panopticon principle " ( p 216 ) should be regarded as more than just a particular example of ingenuity in architectural design ; rather : " … it was an event in the " history of the human mind " .
16 They should devote themselves wholly to the problem of making life in South Africa , regarded as more or less a foreign country , bearable for self-respecting British men and women .
17 ‘ They are prepared for more than just a social call , ’ Taheb said .
18 Mr. J. C. Walker was formally elected Treasurer and retained that role until 1929 and similarly the Pro-tem Secretary , Alfred Caldecott , was confirmed in the post , jointly with R. Lindsay .
19 He missed only two fixtures in 1990–91 and obviously a grand future lies ahead of him .
20 A trade conflict with Spain — allies of France — arose in 1734 and soon the old animosity between France and England came to the surface .
21 Because of the raging personal computer price war , the European market started to expand strongly in 1992 and now the Japanese market , despite its general economic sluggishness , is also expanding .
22 So had the great survey of landownership in Russia which Catherine set in motion in 1765 and even the Legislative Commission of two years later .
23 Torrance was the winner at nearby Penina in 1982 and again the following year at Troia near Lisbon , and showed his liking for Portuguese courses by finishing fourth here at Vila Sol on the Algarve last year .
24 Although the contact was more social than professional , the two inevitably talked shop when they met , and as Coleman zeroed in on al-Kassar as possibly the key player in the Middle East 's narco-terrorist game , he decided to visit Mayer in his office at the German Embassy one day to see if his friend could be persuaded to take a more generous view of international cooperation than Hurley 's .
25 Mm Dave Allen 's on that as well the only bit , I think I 've set it for the Beast Master ai n't I ?
26 Rolf Hüppi , Zurich 's chief executive since 1991 and once the prime mover behind its multinationals business , sees a day of reckoning ahead for Europe 's 4,000-plus insurance companies .
27 For real benefit , allow your exercise to help you on more than simply a physical level .
28 Yes , Nicole and I go back a long way , and yes , you could say that we 're involved on more than just a superficial level .
29 Erm the greenbelt objectives which we identify with or could be compromised by significant peripheral expansion , or the expansion of a settlement within the greenbelt , were primarily the effecting the setting of the historic city , which we and the County considered and refer to more than just the green wedges , and but involve the whole countryside , and the setting of the settlements within the greenbelt around the Greater York area , expansion of lar large urban areas into the countryside , possible coalescence of settlements .
30 Some backward tribes inhabited the remoter mountains and jungles but the main population was of the same race ; today they are known as Vietnamese but then the outside world knew them as Annamites or Annamese .
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