Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [pron] [modal v] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And if you do n't want to talk about that we 'll talk about something else .
2 So erm the money that I was gon na you know , use for that I 'll use for the ticket .
3 Prior to the meeting , the purchaser and MAS will need to establish their further information requirements distinguishing between that which will need to be investigated before more precise deal terms can be negotiated and that which will need to be seen before a deal can be completed .
4 If Amanda Pennington ever heard about this he would die of shame .
5 If you think about this you can think of a kite as two isosceles triangles glued together .
6 Well Jennifer I think it 's er viburnum lanterna and it 's quite an interesting er bush because it was in the sixteenth century a er gave the tree its poetic name as he frequently come across it in old drove roads er over and across the old drove roads in the chalk downs of er from Winchester to Epsom and London but sorry about this it can grow to fifteen feet and in May it opens up its cluster of white flowers and it 's really quite an attractive thing but the berries I do n't think are so attractive so I think erm
7 Well I hope this article clearly shows how to one fishkeeper a species can seem so easy he/she can not stop them breeding , while for another it can seem to be the most difficult fish in the world .
8 Thousands of people will be on the water this bank holiday weekend — but for some it could end in tragedy .
9 It is an elegant structure of the local grey sandstone , with a balustrade and cornice , and was one of the works of the canal 's engineer John Rennie , one of the great exponents of stone bridges , though much of the credit for this one must go to the architect , Alexander Stevens .
10 For this we can turn to social theories .
11 For this we must rely to a great extent upon Soviet goodwill and if we make difficulty over returning their own nationals it will react adversely upon their willingness to help in restoring to us as soon as possible our own prisoners . "
12 After that we would go to Tahiti , and I saw the excitement grow in Ellen as she realised that these plans were so close to coming true .
13 And then after that we 'll go in the garden .
14 I said after that we 'll go in the garden before it rains .
15 After that we shall move to the three motions and there will be one debate on all three motions .
16 And , with luck , not long after that we will have in our very own editorial offices an electronic excuse for the mistakes that occasionally slide into these pages .
17 After that we can go to a hotel and so on , but I think I should see him . ’
18 After that we can apply for a licence and hope they let us ‘ go legal ’ . ’
19 And after that you can relax on some gentler pace rides before taking in a show or two , such as the Hot Ice Show in the Arena which runs until November 7 .
20 And after that you 'd go to your own classes and you had a , a set er what did they call it ?
21 After that he would attend upon Jeffrey Archer , who had once been his deputy chairman .
22 Mr Stewart is staying on as chief executive until his successor is ready to start and after that he will remain on the board .
23 After this we must participate in the UNO and try to unify North and South Korea by negotiating with Russia from the standpoint of freedom .
24 Thank God , that was the last time he would have to do it ; after this he would go as an executive , by aircraft and helicopter only .
25 After this she would return to the far wall and wait for the papers to be put back into place , so she could repeat the game .
26 Other sources say that even if SCO does manage to cut a deal for SVR4 — leaving OSF/1 , the other possible route , by the wayside — its future intent is to move to a micro-kernel architecture , and which flavour of that it might go for still has n't been decided .
27 Despite this she would persist in offering her face for respectful attention , interposing it between people deep in conversation and turning it up appealingly to the person serving rice-and-bean salad or pouring sangría .
28 I have given them the danger peak flow value of 100 , and if it falls below this they will come to casualty .
29 Because of this I shall concentrate upon the debate between them and in particular on the abstract theoretical aspects , only touching upon the practical policy implications .
30 Similar difficulties can occur if the former matrimonial home was in the names of husband and wife as beneficial joint tenants , for on the death of either it would appear to a purchaser that the survivor had the right to sell ( Law of Property ( Joint Tenants ) Act 1964 , s1(1) ) .
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