Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [prep] [adj] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 We have 15 sets of books from the catalogue to give away — £100-worth of books for each of five winners and £50-worth each for ten runners-up .
2 My Lord the only point of interest and it 's really one that I took in the of the submission is that if you use an up to date nineteen ninety three figure for calculating it when it was first back to years three and a half , two and a half and one and a half years ago , then intre it would n't be fair if interest is awarded on that as well because in a sense the increase in the figure that inflation and the increased cost of living has produced because you use an up to date figure , probably equates with the interest and we can the figure an up to date one to avoid just that otherwise it would be getting the figures for each of those years and then working out interest .
3 Because in the developing fetal thymus TCR- β genes rearrange before TCR- α genes , a distinct role can be envisaged for each of these genes or their products .
4 Unlike the previous financing system the school does not receive an allocation for each of these items but is allocated a lump sum and has the choice of how much to spend on each category .
5 No sex differences were found in the rate of problems but the difficulties were found to persist for one year in about two-thirds of these children and to persist for over five years in about one-third .
6 I do not now intend by beauty of shapes what most people would expect , such as that of living creatures or pictures , but … straight lines and curves and the surfaces of solid forms produced out of these by lathes and rulers and squares …
7 Can I can I say that I after coffee I 'd like to go through each of these criteria and try to distinguish those which are relevant at structure plan level and those which may be more applicable down at the district local plan level .
8 But they did agree to disagree about the how and why of storytelling and , as Ms Sontag concluded , ‘ We are going to go on talking about this for many years but now , alas , we have to stop ’ .
9 The remainder of this book is devoted to putting forward further theoretical considerations and to suggesting ways in which analysis can be carried forward about some of these opportunities and effects of new technology at work .
10 First of all , this feedback , on what you were doing before coffee , and secondly talk about some of those markers and the speakers that been brought to my attention talked about with the other group , but not you .
11 Deep or extended cut accounts for half of all deaths and roof collapses in American mines .
12 But , and then he , he 's like , we left him on the sofa and said oh Mark we 'll be back in a minute , like , turned all the lights off hoping he 'll like pass out you could just hear him like laughing to himself for another like twenty minutes and we 're
13 Across the yard in the oast house , hops fresh from this year 's harvest are placed in a kiln for 12 to 14 hours and heated by electric fans at temperatures starting at 90 degrees F and rising to 140° .
14 Depending on its strength and the time required for it to reach maturity , a beer must stand for 12 to 48 hours before it can be drunk .
15 Leave them , in the covered pot , in a very slow oven , anything from gas no. ½ to 1 or 290°F. , to gas no. 3 or 330°F. , for 2 to 3 hours or longer , until they are very swollen and completely soft and have absorbed most of the liquid .
16 WP raced to a formidable 244 for 2 in 45 overs as Adrian Kuiper ( 107 not out ) produced the innings South Africans had hoped to see in the World Cup .
17 The close relationship between some of these groups and their Soviet neighbours is immediately apparent from their names alone but the largest group , the Hui , are either descendants of Chinese converts to Islam or of Chinese intermarriages with Muslim immigrants .
18 If you wan na have a look through some of those products while
19 The same spoon had been used for this for many years and was burnt black .
20 Laurence McGarry , chairman of Scottish Innovation , said : ‘ We have hoped and worked for this for many years and without the support and assistance from a whole range of people , it would not have happened .
21 Although individually insignificant , ants make up for this in sheer numbers and total biomass ; they are among the dominant extant organisms on Earth .
22 The regulations provide for this in certain circumstances and we are considering how to improve the detail of the procedures .
23 The Junior Section has between 30 to 40 members but some are to be promoted to the Senior Section which has fewer members .
24 The Junior Section has between 30 to 40 members but some are to be promoted to the Senior Section which has fewer members .
25 PHIL Carrick spun out Somerset for 167 in 64 overs and forced them to follow on at Middlesbrough yesterday before the rain-hit championship match ended in a draw .
26 He ran out of money and had to sell off 40% of his company , and only after six to seven years and scores of design failures did he finally begin to make some money from his enterprise .
27 Daphne , whom Cecilia suspected of being rather less well-off than she was herself , though this was not a matter to delve into , phoned her just after six on alternate evenings and she phoned Daphne on the others .
28 But , although some doctors consider that the baby has genuine physical pain , others believe that this is an example of the baby reacting to the tensions of the mother at the end of a hard day : and they believe that the crying stops after 10 to 12 weeks because by then the mother has become more competent and confident in her handling of the baby , and has communicated this new calmness to the baby . ’
29 Sutures are removed on the 5th to 7th day usually by the community nurse as discharge is possible after 4 to 5 days if no complications occur .
30 The secret we used was to make the correct article immediately follow after one with four legs or corners .
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