Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] them [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But even in Britain and France new ways of mobilising these savings , of channelling them into the required enterprises , of organising joint-stock rather than privately financed activities , had to be devised .
2 After 1870 education for the Poles was seen as a way of bringing them within the German order , of lightening their Slav darkness by opening up to them the world of ‘ civilisation ’ .
3 A report has recommended that logging in the ancient forests of the Pacific Northwest region of the USA be cut by more than half as a means of sustaining them in the long term and protecting their wildlife [ see EDs passim ] .
4 Once stomachs had settled to life at sea their owners got down to the serious work of filling them with the gargantuan meals offered .
5 Erm he 'll erm if they accept it it 'll it 'll stand a chance of getting them to the main group .
6 The maximum fees that companies can charge for inspection or copies are now prescribed by regulations ( the former practice of stating them in the primary legislation did not work well in an inflationary climate ) and these regulations clarify the obligations of companies regarding inspection and copies .
7 Nurses can help all patients by talking with them , keeping in mind the objective of orienting them to the new environment and routine .
8 Up to five hundred Soviets arrive every day , and it 's the Israeli government 's policy of settling them in the occupied territories of the West Bank that cause most Arab hostility .
9 In particular most people will be unused to the assessing the impact of percentage changes in traffic on existing roads or of weighing them against the environmental costs of the new road .
10 State any biases you would expect to find , and what measures you would suggest ( either in the planning of the enquiry or in the statistical analysis ) for remedying them in the following situations .
11 ‘ I have devised a number of exquisite tortures for little boys who break bottles ’ he wrote , ‘ such as circumcising them with the jagged fragments ’ .
12 Once out of the village they picked up speed and took a road that would zigzag through five hamlets before bringing them to the only cart track that wound up the lower slopes of the mountain .
13 He made imprints of the keys in bars of soap before returning them to the sleeping prison officer .
14 First , the practice of grazing calves from May until late July on permanent pasture , then moving these to hay or silage aftermath before returning them to the original grazing in late autumn .
15 ( viii ) Remove the coverslips from their chambers and transfer them into PBS containing 0.1 % Tween-20 ( PBS — Tween ) before incubating them with the specific antibodies or other reagents .
16 Politicians in Zagreb have no trouble in imagining them as the advance guard of a new patrol on the frontiers of a greater Serbia .
17 When refloating a herd , it is important to hold the rescued animals together until the entire herd is assembled before releasing them to the open sea .
18 The remaining operating staff had to work long hours preparing and implementing an evacuation programme for school children , an exercise in which the trams played their part in getting them to the main line railway stations on the first part of their journey away from London .
19 In summary then the difficulties for the Archive lie in trying to identify users ’ needs and in providing them with the appropriate service on a range from an on-line determined access ( in which the Archive itself is relatively ‘ transparent ’ ) through to a supportive guided approach .
20 One of the possible kidnapping charges and that of theft relate to two incidents in which Mrs Mandela was part of a group which allegedly abducted three people before assaulting them in the old Mandela home in Soweto .
21 In more dramatic terms , the downgrading of domestic industries reflects the success of the transnational capitalist class in dragging them into the global economy and thereby transforming them , even in a rather minimal sense , into transnational industries .
22 Here he may well have acted as a diplomatic go-between in introducing them to the Roman traders , whose imports have been found at their main centre , the great oppidum at Bagendon near Cirencester .
23 Ensure the flowers are as dry as possible before placing them on the blotting paper , as any remaining moisture will encourage mildew to form and spoil all your efforts .
24 These negative or unenthusiastic reactions from the primary Gulf states showed that the prospects for involving them in the proposed neutralised area were poor .
25 The DOE continues to support a study of the migration of the natural decay-series radionuclides of uranium and thorium in a variety of sedimentary settings in Cornwall and Scotland in order to test our ideas and modelling capabilities with a view to applying them to the geological disposal of radioactive waste .
26 I used the privacy to make some calls on the house phone without logging them in the red exercise book Mr Goodson had drawing-pinned to the wall .
27 Parliament did not often pass laws with any wide-ranging implications , and the most wide-ranging recent laws , the religious legislation of the Reformation , were never applied at all precisely in America , but no legal framework could have been imagined for the colonies which gave them a legitimate position under English law without putting them under the legislative supremacy of Parliament .
28 These should be used to prove the technology , with a view to introducing them in the other gardens between 1995 and 1997 .
29 The State Department 's reply [ KP 125 ] was : " The Department assumes that the 28,000 Cossacks in question are Soviet Nationals and , if so , no objection is seen to delivering them to the Russian forces in accordance with the terms of the Yalta agreement .
30 This has to be done before the end of the time allowed for laying them before the general meeting and if any of the documents is not in the English language a certified translation must be annexed .
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