Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] at [art] [noun sg] and " in BNC.

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1 An infant uses the mouth as the first organ from which pleasure can be derived , through sucking at the breast and imbibing the warm milk .
2 TRANSPORT helpline clerk Bill Goulding was sacked after swearing at a caller and hurling his phone headset out of a window , an industrial tribunal heard yesterday .
3 In Russia Catherine II , after conniving at the overthrow and murder of her husband in 1762 , was on continuously bad terms with her son and heir , Paul , who feared and hated her and whom in the last two decades of her reign she scarcely ever saw .
4 Stewart Raynsford and Peter Kemp were found slumped in their unlocked cell just hours after arriving at the jail and it was assumed they had been attacked by fellow inmates .
5 Next time a stranger tries to stop you in the street , perhaps you should think twice about looking at the pavement and brushing past .
6 FO … you acquire the … skill , with practice , of looking at a discharge and being able to say visually in many cases , that there 's things like suspended solids — that it is going to be outside consent ; it is clear to you that sample is going to be outside .
7 Such brief ‘ thumb-nail ’ sketches do give some indication of the essence of sociology , but ultimately it is both necessary and perhaps more fruitful to emphasise that the most important and distinctive feature of sociology is not so much what is studied but how it is studied , i.e. it is important to indicate what is the particular perspective of sociology , its distinct way of looking at the individual and society .
8 The end product of psychedelia was not a new way of looking at the world and a liberation of the mind , but rather a lot of shit concept albums in the 1970s and an inaccurate belief on the part of pop stars that they were somehow important .
9 There is the sense here that reason is more than the sum of its parts , and that the serious pursuit of truth can , over time , generate a way of looking at the world and an approach to forming judgements on it that stands over and above any particular truths that may be assimilated on the way .
10 But such is the skill of the production that in the end you just suspend disbelief , accept that you are absorbing a different way of looking at the world and take whatever comes .
11 She thought of looking at the doctor and indicating that he should interfere and stop it ; but she did not .
12 The High Court of the Trust Territory rejected this excessively formalistic way of looking at the agreement and preferred to examine the underlying concepts .
13 He seems to ignore the possibility of browsing at the catalogue and makes no distinction between types of users or their purpose .
14 Above this number the staff-student relationship , vital in medicine , deteriorates rapidly , with concomitant loss of quality of teaching at the bedside and in the laboratory .
15 This is in sharp contrast to Britain where progress up the hierarchy of the party is very much a process of starting at the bottom and working up , first to a seat in Parliament and then , possibly , to ministerial office .
16 Professional advisers can help general practitioners to determine their requirements for prescribing at the primary and secondary care interface and ensure that purchasers include these criteria in contracts .
17 This involves students in the examination of conflicts between and within societies , and draws on the insights of political scientists , historians , social scientists and philosophers in looking at the origin and nature of such conflicts and the means of resolving them .
18 More than we can gain from looking at the grade and the stage .
19 He says we 've had alot of people round looking at the garden and alot of the Chelsea pensioners have been looking in and at the sign above the door and saying ’ Ah yes , I think I know that person ! . ’
20 McDunn glances back at me before stopping at the phone and nodding down at it .
21 in theory they should not be able to talk to each-other because they 're either answering the phone and talking to somebody else bloody getting on looking at the screen and typing
22 Lyric Fantasy is poised to return to sprinting at the weekend and has an excellent opportunity to break her duck as a three-year-old .
23 The middle paragraph , which summarizes Sadat 's condition on arriving at the hospital and the doctors ' report , is expanded into three pages in the Arabic version .
24 He had not spoken once since arriving at the unit and had suffered numerous epileptic fits .
25 When one person has in their mind the whole range of the project from initial conception through data analysis and system design to sitting at the computer and typing the program lines into the computer , it 's not only more efficient : the person is creating in freedom like an artist and is involved in the act of creation at a deeper level and as a result enjoys the whole thing .
26 She had made gallant efforts to pull herself together but had still been confused about the precise sequence of events between arriving at the church and the moment when she had pushed open the door of the Little Vestry .
27 For example , it is very important for a wife who is also a busy mother to learn to speak the local language , but she may have no time for sitting at a desk and making her own drills or doing her own analysis .
28 The gaming world in part consists of four main islands ( there are rumours of more ! ) and this nicely breaks up the game and avoids the feeling of a bland and repetitive world , ( why does that Island concept ring a bell ? ) and you move from Island to Island by looking at a map and selecting your destination ( sounds VERY familiar ! ) .
29 This is what happens with tax exempt sources and by looking at a TESSA and assuming you pay the maximum each year which are those figures and assuming that the interest rate stays at seven and a half percent , it wo n't but it 's seven and a half percent at the moment , then this is what happens , at the end of the first year you 've put in your three thousand your interest at seven and a half percent is two twenty five and you would otherwise pay tax at fifty six at twenty five percent or twenty or forty which would be those figures , but you do n't .
30 Piaget , then , provided a way of investigating children 's mental behaviour by looking at the talk and actions of real children , initially his own — Jacqueline , Laurent , and Lucienne — and also a theoretical basis for such study .
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