Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] out [noun] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In Bosnia , the Yugoslav army yesterday seized control of the town of Visegrad and began enforcing military rule after stamping out pockets of resistance by Muslims , Belgrade radio said .
2 It accused Mr Mandela of carrying out acts of sabotage on dates when he was in prison .
3 A junior with a big interest in meeting people [ according to his Appraisal ] was given the task of setting out packs of account opening cards , Special Savings forms and passbooks and a couple of credit card application forms for good measure .
4 The 18 de Marzo refinery , on the city 's outskirts , had been responsible for pumping out emissions of carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) , sulphur dioxide ( SO2 ) and benzene , along with other pollutants .
5 In both cases they were probably fixed with cut mails , which are notorious for pulling out chunks of masonry , let alone plaster .
6 You children helped in dishing out plates of curry and rice every day .
7 Robert had seen the development in varying stages , and had assisted in shipping out tons of building materials , but it was four months since he had been to Barbados and a lot of progress had been made since then .
8 The task force will concentrate on rooting out theft of trade secrets and high-tech components , particularly integrated circuits .
9 Children came to laugh at the animals as they rocked autistically or broke into tantrums ; creatures accustomed to marking out miles of territory in a single day were now constrained to prowl and circle in a few narrow yards .
10 Skilbeck , in commenting upon the progress of the national frameworks , suggests that in addition to setting out areas of knowledge , understanding and human activity firmly and clearly , the various kinds of learning experiences and learning situations also need defining .
11 Knowledge Adventure is very good at throwing out nuggets of information , and placing them into some sort of context .
12 I wandered into the wholesale office of a big tobacco factory , and found myself in a dark panelled Victorian world of snuff counters , old polished scales for weighing out ounces of baccy and a snug with settle chairs .
13 The child involved the mother at home in the project by hunting out scraps of fabric , discussing what they were , then bringing back home the finished house .
14 This unit had been set up originally to refine the art of specific writing for Television ; either by seeking out works of literature suitable for adaption , or by commissioning new material and applying it to the ‘ TV-writing art form ’ .
15 Make flags for the buoys and boat by cutting out triangles of paper , one large and two small .
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