Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] her [noun sg] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 All through the first part of the interview — the crazy part , when she had been talking about seeing her son in the house — Hank had been telling the straight truth .
2 There was something very attractive about delaying her return to the poisonous atmosphere of the office .
3 Elek also approached Edie Lamont after seeing her work at the London Group and discussed the idea for an illustrated book on Wales .
4 Sapphire is murdered after consummating her relationship with a White student ; in A Taste of Honey , Jimmy is despatched once he has had sexual relations with Jo , never to be seen again ; in Flame in the Streets Gaby Gomez is badly burned ; in the same film Peter Lincoln manages to escape ‘ punishment ’ , other than a humiliating first encounter with his White fiancèe 's father , Jacko , but then the progression of the narrative is frozen before closure .
5 A WOMAN clutching a baby stole an elderly woman 's purse after conning her way into the pensioner 's home .
6 A WOMAN clutching a baby stole an elderly lady 's purse after conning her way into the pensioner 's home .
7 MONICA Seles pulled out of Wimbledon last night — only hours after confirming her withdrawal from the French Open , which starts in Paris next week .
8 TEENAGER Ann Pattinson , 15 , of Daddry Shield , was said to be ‘ fairly comfortable ’ in Darlington Memorial Hospital yesterday after breaking her leg in a car crash near Stanhope on Sunday .
9 ‘ I 'm so pleased he got round , ’ remarked Miss Sanders , who was hobbling around with her left foot in a plastic bag after breaking her ankle in a schooling accident and could scarcely bring herself to watch the race .
10 She was only 28 when she set up on her own in 1976 , after starting her career as a researcher .
11 It kept her going , especially when she was angling for the notice of the one man who , after giving her dinner on the way back from Bovington , had treated her with only a lighthearted pleasant banter whenever they met .
12 Mrs McWilliams , of Inch Keith , Calder Glen , East Kilbride , had been admitted to the Royal Samaritan Hospital , Glasgow , in April 1983 after consulting her doctor about a gynaecological problem .
13 I waited in the corridor for our blanket and any message for Sister Casualty , and brooded on the baby 's chances of survival , how any mother could have made herself pack her own baby in a carrier-bag , and what kind of thoughts passed through a woman 's mind when she walked away after abandoning her baby in a telephone-box , or anywhere else .
14 When his character leaps at Eileen after taking her home from a jazz club , he starts a chain reaction involving a dog , all the cats in the district , crying babies , shouting neighbours and the sound of breaking glass .
15 ‘ I do n't see any reason why a dog should have been a problem , ’ said Dr Julia Schofield after collecting her MBE from the Queen .
16 She 'd circled the block until she 'd found the side alley where the stage door was located , and then after hiding her bag in a dark spot behind a big wheeled trash hopper she 'd turned around and headed back to the coffee shop .
17 After making her way into the fashion business as a freelance designer and as a partner with Ann Buck in Tuttabankem from 1969 to 1974 , Hamnett set up Katharine Hamnett Ltd on a £500 loan in 1979 .
18 After making her name as a prisoner of war in Tenko ( in which she appeared with Renee Asherson ) , Stephanie has been busy with a second series of the TV comedy Waiting for God about a group of crumblies living in an old folks ' home .
19 A MASKED man kidnapped and raped a 20-year-old woman at gunpoint after locking her boyfriend in a car boot .
20 After leaving her daughter in the brightly lit and chatter-filled house she did not immediately drive away .
21 She had arrived on foot at the Sovereign 's Gate accompanied only by a policeman , after leaving her car in a car park across the road .
22 The England squad — ranked fourth in the world — will be selected following trials in December , and the team 's coach , Betty Galsworthy , will relish the prospect of pitting her team against the world champions from New Zealand and second-ranked Australia prior to the 1991 world tournament .
23 Whether she was star struck , or simply just ambitious for her daughter , Patsy failed in her primary duty of protecting her daughter from a confused and selfish man .
24 It is Miss Havisham 's way of getting her revenge on the male sex as it was a man who broke her heart , all those years ago , when she was abandoned on the day of her wedding .
25 ‘ Yes … ! ’ he said deeply , and then his mouth closed over hers , burningly sensual as his hands moved slowly up to tunnel into her thick black hair , and as her mouth opened beneath his the hunger swept them both again , their breathing quickening as the kiss took fire and his mouth was fierce , hot , demanding , his hands moving over her body as she heard his heart thudding violently at his chest , and she knew she was in danger of losing her mind with the sweet , hot rush of excitement .
26 Of doing her duty as a citizen or as a mother .
27 What the second Mrs Van Butchell thought of having her predecessor in the house is not recorded , neither was Hunter 's opinion .
28 Ruth supposed it was Mrs Peterson 's way of taking her mind off the sad events of last week .
29 The sets were marvellous and Madge Grimsilk had devised a quick and efficient way of implementing her transformation of the whole theatre into a fairy ballroom .
30 Aunt Margaret was bird-like herself , in her hither-and-thither movements and a certain gesture she had of nodding her head like a sparrow picking up crumbs .
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