Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] it [prep] [art] first " in BNC.

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1 No definition is spot on really , you can always find difficulties with it but they do sort of discuss it in the first paragraph .
2 they , they should of done , but they did n't , the point is they should n't of left it the last minute , they should of done it in the first place
3 well I suppose their motto is , she had a C D ten on her driving licence , I suppose she should n't of had it in the first place so if she had n't of had it , he would n't of got it !
4 The precautionary principle suggests that , as the future damage done by pollution is often more costly than the extra expense of avoiding it in the first place and in any case it is often unacceptable , even if a money cost ca n't be put on it , then prevention is better than cure .
5 This is normally accompanied by the equally widespread concentration on the factual content or the basic manipulative skills in the material and the associated neglect of the higher-level objectives that were probably the author 's main motivation in developing it in the first place .
6 We must assume that someone wants to see a recording , otherwise there was no point in recording it in the first place .
7 This relationship is indicated by equating it with the first m of the oral plate is the second area .
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