Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] it [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The misery of unemployment or of repossession is all the more stark for seeing it written in a face rather than on a page .
2 Legend relates that while he was living in the mountains he brewed a hypnotic drink , and after drinking it fell into a deep sleep and dreamed strange dreams .
3 Whichever of these six defences in section 4 is raised , the burden of establishing it rests upon the defendant .
4 Now when we were taught sums like that , probably erm they were written down and we had special ways of writing it to distinguish between the two cases four times and then two plus one added together , to give us four times three equals twelve , or , four times two , which is eight , add one , which is nine .
5 Viewed in this way , representative standing is a sort of substitute for a class action , that is an action in which a large number of litigants can consolidate their claims into one for the purposes of having it decided by a court .
6 But we think it is highly regrettable that economic development is being seen as an integral part of the war against terrorism , not least for those charged with making it work on the ground .
7 During his third lecture the crowd outside the house was scarcely prevented from attacking it to get at the ‘ damn 'd Jacobine ’ inside .
8 It is an area I do not know and the reason for choosing it came from a close friend who has put up with the knowledge of my obsession for many years now and still remains the closest of friends .
9 Instead , it 's entirely freestanding , allowing you to swing it as hard as you like without risking it flying off the table , a major fault with many wheels .
10 Thomas Jackson may have found that his own baptism had not been recorded and so insisted on having it written in the margin twenty-two years later .
11 The aim is to scrutinize it with a view to stopping it coming through the door next time .
12 I wanted to make certain I was leaving the jeep with Kaptan — I wanted to establish my connection with the family , give a hint of trouble I could solve ( without making it look like a threat ) , and put myself into the frame without a hint of asserting myself .
13 He could n't even ask a reasonable question without making it sound like an insult !
14 It 's easy to drive , quick enough to be fun , with the reassurance of solid , almost farmyard engineering under the skin to remove any worries about making it work for a living .
15 Meaningful structure can be given to a visit or placement by using it to work towards a SCOTVEC module like ‘ Experiencing Europe ’ .
16 Likewise , the novel plays with normative paradigms such as those proposed by Greimas which seek to standardize narrative by defining it according to a canonic conception of what a story is .
17 A range of copper alloys has been found there and evidence suggests that lead was extracted from the copper by causing it to fuse with the silica and alumina in the clay crucible to form a lead-glass .
18 Joining the Foreign Legion in 1914 , and later the French Airforce , Hall became the first to capture a German plane intact , by forcing it to land behind the French lines .
19 In fact the function of such eye- and ear-witness accounts as the ‘ Kentucky fried chips ’ incident is to authorize and authenticate the racialization of experience by making it seem like an entirely spontaneous and natural process , and one for which blacks themselves must be held responsible .
20 Criticism and poetics both constrict the text by making it conform to a meaning or to a model .
21 By covering the pot during the day and by placing it uncovered beneath an electric lamp at night you could try to reverse their pattern of behaviour .
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