Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] their [noun] [prep] an " in BNC.

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1 A cardinal error had obviously been made , as the paper had made huge efforts beforehand to consult pressure groups about tackling their subject in an approved fashion .
2 Over coffee in the study Miss Danziger thanked the guests individually for their concern , apologised for interrupting their enjoyment of an excellent meal , and explained that so long as she came out of the spasm in less than a minute and a half it was not dangerous and left no ill-effects .
3 The prime advantage of a form of alternative dispute resolution such as family mediation or conciliation is that the parties are in charge of resolving their dispute in an atmosphere conducive to avoiding domination by one party or another .
4 This profession , which most members had come to brimming with conviction that they had found a way of linking their idealism to an honourable way of earning a living , has been devastated by continuous attack from the media .
5 This principle was extended to civil servants who had the alternative remedy of taking their complaints to an industrial tribunal .
6 This section looks at those you are most likely to have access to and suggests ways of assessing their suitability as an aid to language learning .
7 The spitting cobras of Africa are capable of shooting their venom at an enemy from a distance of 6 feet , causing eye damage and severe pain .
8 Candidates who come to grief in exams often lack practice in structuring their thoughts into an effective exam answer .
9 . Whatever opinions may be entertained concerning Mosley and his movement , there could be no graver stigma on the so-called freedom of expression said to prevail in Britain than that a body of Englishmen should be prevented from expressing their views by an Oriental confectioner .
10 Parents have a crucial role to play in preparing their children for an independent adult life but may in practice unwittingly inhibit that progress .
11 During conflict , baboons may seek assistance from others by soliciting their participation in an attack upon an opponent .
12 The government is hoping to tempt more people who are disabled or unemployed back to work by paying their benefits in an initial lump sum .
13 Those in favour of keeping the school open seem to have finally achieved their goal by manoeuvring their colleagues into an embarrassing position .
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