Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] [noun pl] for the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There is also concern that complainants might be put off bringing complaints for the same reason .
2 The advantages of using microbes for the early stages of such studies were well known and their biochemistry provided a convenient starting point for several investigators , especially in America .
3 In August 1899 , Joseph revisited his Valley of Winding Waters for the first time in twenty-two years .
4 The French authorities did something to safeguard communal property among their Moslem subjects in Algeria , even though Napoleon III ( in the Senatus-Consulte of 1863 ) found it inconceivable that individual property rights in land should not be established formally among the members of Moslem communities ‘ where possible and opportune ’ , a measure which actually had the effect of permitting Europeans for the first time to buy them out .
5 Certainly no impression from visits to primary schools in Africa has been borne more strongly on me than the importance of providing opportunities for the professional growth and survival of teachers in schools .
6 The third practice had overspent because it had taken over a smaller practice after the preparatory work on budget setting had been completed , and it had not been able to make an accurate estimate of prescribing costs for the 1300 patients involved .
7 Details of joining fees for the respective sports sections of the club may be obtained from the Personnel Department .
8 In rather the same way the practice of giving hostages for the due execution of a treaty , quite common in the distrustful atmosphere of the sixteenth century , was last seen in operation in 1748 , when two British peers were sent to Paris as guarantees of the restitution by Britain of the conquests she had made in north America at the expense of France .
9 Er , next week will be the last week for selling tickets for the social so if you 'd like to come tickets next week .
10 There was little to indicate what a busy area this was to become , with buoyed channels for the large tankers , and the storage tanks and quays of Sullom Voe tucked away neatly out of sight amongst the low hills .
11 On the other hand , the largest single allocation in virtually all the Partnerships was for social schemes , which were usually concerned with leisure projects or with providing services for the disadvantaged .
12 That decision called for the establishment of joint working parties , for each of the subject areas , with responsibility for devising guidelines for the new syllabuses and specifying the detailed criteria relating to their assessment .
13 Although there are few Sussex equivalents to the great wool churches elsewhere , the wealthier endowed chantries in a number of churches for saying masses for the dead , or funded the numerous leper hospitals and almshouses around the towns .
14 THE BRITISH government has extracted a price for generosity in providing funds for the British Antarctic Survey ( BAS ) .
15 The essence of the association 's idea was to develop flats for sale and this would make it possible to bring in private institutional finance — eg from a building society which might then become involved in providing mortgages for the individual purchasers .
16 In our own celebrations this Christmas , may we join with Mary in giving thanks for the amazing gift of human life .
17 Social events for example were organised for the deaf rather than by deaf people themselves , mainly by hearing missioners ; deaf magazines like the Deaf Quarterly News and the British Deaf Times were largely aimed at a readership far too sophisticated for the average ordinary deaf person , written and edited by missioners ; the Guild of St. John of Beverley , an organisation of mainly clerical missioners interested in doing things for the deaf , flourished .
18 Representing Weymouth ( with his father ) in the Short Parliament ( 1640 ) and Bridport in its successor , as a student of mathematics Strangways was chiefly occupied in counting votes for the nascent Royalist party in the Commons .
19 ‘ This is another stage in finding players for the strongest squad possible for the World Sevens next April . ’
20 At an earlier hearing , Mr McKenzie had told the judge that he had been employed in making doors for the transatlantic liner .
21 In proposing models for the future Mr Clarke should study the facts about the past .
22 The new President would not , however , be responsible for appointing under-secretaries for the armed services or his own military aides ( and under other legislation was not allowed to remove military commanders ) .
23 Secretary 's report the secretary thanked Joan and Reg for the club during the year especially for donating items for the open show for the and Christmas social .
24 Other human-computer interface applications include text-to-speech systems such as reading aids for the blind and partially sighted [ Pugh , 1992 ] .
25 DOTING couple Alf and Jean Smith are on speaking terms for the first time in TEN YEARS .
26 Staff at Marks and Spencer in Darlington presented £2,000 to the Alzheimers Society and £1,500 to Hearing Dogs for the Deaf .
27 Reading was self-paced and the primary focus of attention was on reading times for the elliptical clause and on answers to following yes/no questions such as :
28 A number of interviewees ( 12 per cent ) stated that they did not object to nominating others for the actual snowball sample itself because they could first ask the nominee , but would not furnish identity codes on an indiscriminate basis .
29 Jackson recently sat down and listened through his collected works , prior to making selections for the current live show , and found the thread wearing a little thin in places .
30 The decree 's ostensible purpose was to suppress the growing dissidence of some of the minority tribes in the oil-producing eastern states , which claim that they have lost land and gained pollution without receiving royalties for the huge quantities of oil pumped out of their territory .
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