Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] [noun pl] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They will tell him the rules for bringing motions before the council , for moving amendments , for raising questions , for length of speeches , rights of reply and the like .
2 She now remembered how she had criticized her mother for bringing babies into the world without being able to look after them .
3 You might be tempted to attribute it to lowish wage rates ( at the Brasserie ? ) , but a good answer would produce figures to justify this assertion ( you know both the staffing structure and the total wage bill for 1983 , at least , so you could work out the average gross wage per annum and relate it to what you knew about catering wages for the period ) .
4 The people who had not yet moved out of hospital showed no clear trend in their level of participation in meaningful activity , strengthening the case for attributing changes in the group that moved to the community services rather than passage of time or general improvement in all services .
5 Amersham is paying $61.3m ( £38.3m ) to acquire Medi-Physics , the loss-making radiopharmaceuticals subsidiary of Hoffman-La Roche , to make the UK company the largest player in the £300m world radiopharmaceutical market , whose products are used for imaging organs of the body for diagnostic purposes .
6 Last month 's PFK introduced you to some of my ideas for using herbs in the treatment of ill-health in fish .
7 TWO officers from the German police at Dusseldorf will be visiting North Wales today to learn about policing methods in the region as part of an international exchange scheme .
8 The program has tools for symmetrical drawing , dimension lines with changing measurements , master objects and clones for quick-editing , animation , and ‘ connectigons ’ for maintaining links in the drawing of a complex shape ( like a spiral staircase , for example ) which allow you to edit the shape easily as a whole .
9 The real question was whether they provided material for assisting challenges to the decision before the court , by way of evidence of what the expert had done and why he had done it .
10 However the use of radio and TV wave frequencies for transmitting programmes from the earth is rivalrous .
11 AN IDEA for transmitting signals through the mains wiring has been traced back to 1897 , when Joseph Routin and C. E. L. Brown of Zurich , Switzerland , took out British Patent number 24833 .
12 The maximum fines payable by companies or individuals prosecuted for breaching parts of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 have been increased sharply .
13 The Input/Output Interface contains one or more chips for handling signals between the computer and other devices , such as disk drives , printers and visual display units ( VDU 'S ) .
14 A considerable body of literature now exists to demonstrate the efficacy of operant conditioning for producing changes in the language behaviour of language-impaired children ( Garcia and DeHaven 1974 ; Mowrer 1984 ; Ruder 1978 ; Snyder et al .
15 While in most cases this will be unnecessary for pupils , it may initially be an advantage for the school librarian or teacher for producing lists from the database .
16 The formula adopted for financing hospitals after the reorganisation of the health services in 1948 , however , was such that existing geographical inequalities inevitably continued .
17 Though it was not only the bridge and its impressive Baroque sculptures that Fabia found so memorable , but incidentals such as seeing swans on the river , or the feel of Ven 's hand on her elbow guiding her , or standing with her while she watched artists at work , or a man playing a violin , and hearing a flute being played somewhere while a trinket-seller sold his wares .
18 I had made the mistake of volunteering to sleep on the couch in the living room on the nights that Janice stayed at our flat ; this offer was made with what I thought was obvious sarcasm one evening while Gav and Norris were attempting to develop a technique for cooking poppadoms in the microwave .
19 The guests ' lounge is comfortable , with a wood-burning stove used for cooking chestnuts in the winter .
20 ( 3 ) Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provisions , regard may be had to the previous conduct and activities in business or financial matters of the person in question and , in particular , to any evidence that he has — ( a ) committed an offence involving fraud or other dishonesty or violence ; ( b ) contravened any provision made by or under any enactment appearing to the Bank to be designed for protecting members of the public against financial loss due to dishonesty , incompetence or malpractice … ( c ) engaged in any business practices appearing to the Bank to be deceitful or oppressive or otherwise improper ( whether unlawful or not ) or which otherwise reflect discredit on his method of conducting business ; ( d ) engaged in or been associated with any other business practices or otherwise conducted himself in such a way as to cast doubt on his competence and soundness of judgement .
21 ‘ In these circumstances further adjustment may be required as explained in note 1(a) to the accounts , to reduce assets to their recoverable amount , to provide for trading losses since the year end and any further liabilities which may arise . ’
22 The department has written to the dental schools at Liverpool , Newcastle , Birmingham and Manchester and the London Hospital to canvass their support for becoming centres for the evaluation of new dental materials .
23 The Levant Company claimed the right to these dues , but both Wyche and Crowe claimed them for the Crown , and Charles I had provided further occasion for dispute between all three parties by formally alienating them to Crowe in 1636 , though the latter , in return for compensating payments by the company , waived his right until his arrival in Constantinople in October 1638 .
24 The argument is that Lord Diplock 's terminology distinguishes more clearly between keeping agencies within the scope of their power ( illegality ) , and ensuring that the agency does not offend substantive principles which are independent of those in the statute , even if the decision is ‘ technically ’ within the scope of the legislative scheme ( irrationality ) .
25 This is the best exercise I know for eliminating inches from the waistline .
26 This controversial decision has led to a great deal of difficulty ; but the decision demonstrates the current trend in arbitration which , like references to experts , is another form of machinery for resolving disputes outside the court .
27 Successful nursing depends very largely on the nurse 's ability to deal effectively with information received through the senses , whether it is obtained by formal means , such as taking blood-pressure , temperatures and so on or by informal means such as noticing changes in the patient 's condition during bed-making .
28 He said that the Treasurers department at Liverpool City Council was responsible for deducting contributions to the fund from employees , but errors regularly cropped up .
29 The focal point of San Miguel was the swimming pool and , for the first couple of days , we were perfectly content to nurture our sun tans between cooling dips in the pool .
30 During the seven months of its inclusion , ESD added £5m at the operating line , a £1½m benefit to profits after financing charges on the cash paid .
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