Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] [prep] [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 So she put the dress on , and thought for a moment that perhaps it was not quite so frightful after all , and then , after looking at herself for a little longer , wondered if it were not in fact more frightful than she had ever imagined .
2 After staring at her for a few seconds in silence , he finally nodded and went out , leaving her to dress .
3 After staring at it for a minute the client pointed at the picture and exclaimed angrily , " I do n't like that bean . "
4 Boro must find self-motivation at unfashionable Southend after playing above themselves in the Rumbelows Cup semi-final at Manchester United in midweek .
5 Often the counsellor of ageing people will experience this when , after talking with them for a short period , many of the pressures and worries appear to be visibly lifted from their shoulders .
6 After talking to her for a while I asked her if she was English .
7 A JEALOUS husband stabbed his wife and her toyboy lover to death after spying on them through a chink in the curtains .
8 When we received it we thought it was great , but after chewing on them for a while , mum got a bit worried as the pieces we were chewing off looked like hard plastic .
9 er there 's a new er thing started with Friends Provident by er following first call , I 'm now responsible for looking after you as a policy holder , that 's the first point
10 We have designs for living as one with the world .
11 If higher education is not an end , not an output , it may be worth looking at it as a process : a process which plays a crucial role in the creation and reproduction of gender difference .
12 Choate shows up the hypocrisy of former Administration members who oppose the Japanese publicly but take large fees for acting for them behind the scenes .
13 She insisted quietly on halving the bill and he let her have her way , not wanting to jeopardize his chance of eating with her in the future .
14 From small beginnings the Credit Union has grown and flourished and offers advice and a means of saving for anyone in the parish .
15 MUR ON TIG WON The disagreeable experience of listening to oneself in the middle of a long speech and neither understanding what one is saying nor enjoying the manner in which it is being said ; a foreign accent ; a lion breaking wind after the evening repast
16 She made the mistake of looking at him as the thought formed in her mind , and had to suppress a gasp of awareness as she met his gaze .
17 Nobody would think of looking for him in the Channel Islands .
18 I realise now that we were trying to find an interest for ourselves and had done the classic thing of looking for it in a new environment which actually involved more adjustment and less ease than if we had stayed where we were .
19 Paul speaks of suing for it before the praetor fideicommissarius .
20 People who have had experience of caring for someone on a long-term basis stress how important it is to lay down certain ‘ house rules ’ beforehand .
21 ‘ It 's time Dana took responsibility for her own life , instead of turning to you at every imagined crisis , ’ Myra said .
22 This outcome , in turn , gave the Labour Party the double advantages of being able to choose the date of the next election and of going into it with the prestige of being the government .
23 What I was going to suggest then , Chairman , in the light of , in a sense a change of , a change of thought by me over the Christmas period , in a way it 's probably best it happened , is to ask if we could , because I 'm , I 'm keen that , this kind of different kind of strategy , there is a , there is a member ownership of the strategy , rather than just put something to you , that you would then have to , you know you , you have the paper in front of you , it 's a thirty page document , and you decided is actually to suggest that you have actually a , a , a member group of , of , of a few members , perhaps three or four members , erm , to actually work with me on this , in the development of that strategy , so there was actually a member involvement , because it 's straying more into the political field .
24 If we allow the King 's Cross Railways Bill to proceed and in the end no high-speed link or underground link between Stratford and King 's Cross is built , we shall be left with an enormous white elephant at King 's Cross with no means of getting to it from the channel tunnel .
25 The man ( if it was a man ) was probably a fairly junior member of the firm ; if only Henry could find a way of getting past him to the people really in the driving seat .
26 Well the first time when he found it could comb is hair straight back with his right hand ; he could dry himself under his arms properly instead of just sort of wiping at it with a towel ; wash his teeth better , instead of using his left hand with difficulty because he 's never been really left handed .
27 What not to do is to pan from the toddler back to the father , instead of cutting from one to the other .
28 The track along Rhossili Down 's ridge top was rough and rocky , with a wild west sort of feel to it as a few hardy-looking cattle wandered about at will on the humped and pitted pastures to the right , which my map indicated are the remains of neolithic burial chambers .
29 The 2/2 Independent Company could now fulfil this role because they had remained a cohesive force , not just as a result of their training and leadership but in no small measure because these were men used to living in dry country and capable of fending for themselves in the basic departments of survival .
30 It would n't have been so bad , of course , if it had only been him , but there was that second-year nurse whom she had accused of loitering with him in the corridor — that was going to take some fancy footwork to get out of without loss of face .
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