Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] [adv] to a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The gang bundled the family into a bedroom after bursting in to a house on Coventry 's ‘ millionaires ’ row ’ in Kenilworth Road .
2 The male can maintain a fairly equable distribution of grooming up to a harem size of five females .
3 Paddling out at real Waimea was the equivalent of squaring up to an over from Harold Larwood and finding you had forgotten your box and pads .
4 The only problem was the , term , drug content , a problem Dr Thompson planned to solve personally , by an ingenious change in his ending ; instead of driving up to a plane , he would drive into it , and explode .
5 The BMW 525i is 16% more powerful than its predecessor and capable of pushing up to a speed of 143 mph .
6 Associate Members should get ground tickets for Wimbledon as a right instead of going in to a ballot .
7 She would speak of the necessity of holding on to a framework of belief , a reasonable percentage of belie
8 This is possible with both videocassette and videodisc players and there are various ways of linking either to a computer .
9 What Nicky discovered is that responding to God is an act of submission — of giving in to a force much more powerful than our own .
10 To the extent that such approaches may suggest the desirability of changing over to a counter-force nuclear policy , they escape from the moral frying-pan of counter-city targeting into the strategic fire of counter-force , which has the twin disadvantages that it might put a premium on first strike and that it would in any case result in frightful civilian losses .
11 A second reason for isostatic anomalies is that the lithosphere is not capable of adjusting instantaneously to a change in load .
12 It is also worth going along to a beauty salon a month or so in advance to have your make-up done .
13 It 's got to be like cuddling up to a cushion as well as doing that terrible , animal thing .
14 It was like counting down to an explosion .
15 I did n't chew my nails with regret at giving him my virginity , furious at my weakness in lying down for him , and taking this boy in my arms just because he was English , a citizen of that great nation which had once ruled half the globe : nor did I blame myself for clinging on to an idea even though it meant severing my links with my country , and travelling to London alone without any member of my family .
16 But it , it was so varied that you went through the , the cities and the highland scenes where they went through the highlands and in the country and then you ended up with coming on to a crossroads in a modern , a futuristic city , where if you look down you , the pavements were elevated and you walked down to where all the models of General Motors were displayed as if they were crossing roads .
17 Harold Macmillan was by no means alone at that time in looking forward to a government of Mosley and the younger men who would do something for the country at last .
18 Whereas people once felt that there must be a certain desperation in answering magazine ‘ lonely heart ’ advertisements or in going along to a dating bureau , nowadays these channels are seen as a practical way of finding a new friend or suitable lover .
19 There will also be a ‘ menu ’ of six visits from which visitors can choose before going on to a buffet supper with members of the Faculty .
20 The President 's choice to succeed Mr Frohnmayer must be confirmed by the Subcommittee on Education , Arts and the Humanities , then pass a hearing held by the Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources , before going on to a Senate vote .
21 Ideologically the Party was committed to creating a " working class united front " before going on to an alliance on the French or Spanish models .
22 Dr Jan Hulsker had told him that after Vincent 's departure from The Hague , Sien had given custody of the baby Willem to her brother , Pieter Hoornik , before going back to a life of casual prostitution and drink .
23 Keith had to complete a 13-week basic RAF police training course before moving on to a waiting list for the eight-week doghandler training programme , which is completed at RAF Newton in Nottingham .
24 If you sowed tomato seeds last month , now is the time to prick them out , ie transfer them into small pots , or , if you have sown them in soil blocks , to reduce them to one per cell before moving on to a pot .
25 Mind you , if the tourist board thought they could get away with it , they 'd probably claim he spent an afternoon at the local petrol station , buying some anti-smear windscreen wash and a fan belt , before moving on to a gift shop to purchase a handmade stuffed velvet Loch Ness monster and having an appreciative sniff at the perfumed candle display .
26 There are a number of general theories that are concerned with such issues and we shall briefly investigate these before moving on to an examination of power within organisations .
27 The Green Paper from the Department of Education and Science and the Welsh Office demonstrates its relationship to the Ruskin speech and to the issues raised in the Great Debate before moving swiftly to a statement on the partnership between schools , local education authorities and ministers .
28 External associations are initially identified " assembly-to-assembly " before moving down to a component-to-component " identification .
29 The man looked round the bar before marching over to a group of men down at the end of the counter .
30 I fear however in view of what we 've heard from the two sides of the table , you will have rather more difficulty in coming even to a recommendation as to specific guidance on which sector of Greater York , this new settlement should be located if indeed you are minded to recommend in favour of one at all .
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