Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] [pron] [noun pl] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 We had to climb to FL070 maintaining VMC before we could contact Lisboa Military , and after passing our estimates for the TMA boundary , immediately requested the Porto weather and reports of CB activity .
2 ‘ Acid ! ’ he cried after consulting his notes for the one hundred and thirty-ninth time .
3 After making his plans for the safekeeping of funds in several banks he started off on his travels once again .
4 Despite neglecting his studies for the attractions of the cricket pitch James emerged in 1918 with a sound understanding of European civilisation , and a keen interest in ancient Greece , a society in which sport was also developed as an integral part of life .
5 For many , the thought of leaving their parents for the first time left them subdued .
6 But changing banks , as Branson was prone to saying , ‘ is a bit like changing your parents for a new set .
7 They believe that such a move could provoke Labour into accepting their terms for a partnership government as its anxiety to hold office mounted .
8 I envied them their sexual freedom and their self-assured dignity , and I despised the British vice squads that ran them in and were not above enjoying their charms for a consideration .
9 Do you want to erm , well I 've come today as the partner responsible for recruiting my men for the audit of the County Council , together with my colleague Stephen Critchley , who is the partner responsible for the regularity audit , the main accounts of the County Council accounts .
10 We discuss and enjoy celebrating the seasonal festivals such at Christmas , Easter and Harvest , when we join with the rest of the Junior School in bringing our gifts for the sick , and those in need in the neighbourhood of the School .
11 The Pope is affirming here that women have work to do not only in the Church , but also in using their gifts for the good of society .
12 Point of sale systems supplier Riva Group Plc has succeeded in stemming its losses for the year to December 31 by drastic cost-cutting and leaving unprofitable market sectors .
13 Yamamoto and his staff had already spent time and effort in training their men for the attack .
14 In developing its plans for the redeployment of the Army , the General Staff were faced with three major difficulties : lack of genuine air mobility ; loss of overflying rights over Arab countries and restricted overflying of the Indian subcontinent due to India 's ‘ non-aligned ’ stance and Pakistan 's natural sympathy for Moslem Arab Nationalism ; and the justifiable reluctance in Whitehall to build up new overseas bases .
15 In framing its policies for the future , we hope that the Council will fully acknowledge the importance of the land use planning system , something which is not clearly enough stated in Threshold 21 .
16 Consequently , in exercising its powers for the purposes of defining the conditions for the grant of its ‘ nationality ’ to a ship , each member state must comply with the prohibition of discrimination against nationals of member states on grounds of their nationality .
17 Without autonomous change in tastes , or in technological possibilities , or in the availability of resources , no one can have any interest in altering his plans for the succeeding period .
18 Parents have a crucial role to play in preparing their children for an independent adult life but may in practice unwittingly inhibit that progress .
19 In preparing our views for the Government we felt one of the most pressing needs was to explain what the National Sustainability Plan is and why it is important , to a wider audience of opinion- formers and decision-takers in Wales .
20 In preparing our views for the Government we felt one of the most pressing needs was to explain what the National Sustainability Plan is and why it is important , to a wider audience of opinion- formers and decision-takers in Wales .
21 AS England 's most capped and successful scrum-half , Richard Hill could be forgiven for swapping his boots for a pair of slippers and gazing with fond memories at a trophy cabinet bulging with evidence of a career full of top honours .
22 From then on , we will be working on producing our recommendations for the future . ’
23 It was like being in the adit of a mine , and I was driving into the bowels of the earth with a man who seemed hell bent on risking our lives for no apparent reason .
24 These schools , given a far from warm reception when first proposed , are to be funded in a new way , are to fall altogether outside Local Authority control , and as their name implies are to be devoted primarily to preparing their pupils for a career in industry .
25 TWENTY key executives at TVS Entertainment have been offered a package of financial incentives aimed at securing their services for the station 's battle to retain its lucrative ITV franchise in the South-east .
26 TWENTY key executives at TVS Entertainment have been offered a package of financial incentives aimed at securing their services for the station 's battle to retain its lucrative ITV franchise in the South-east .
27 In all we promise the publick to be as careful as possible not to lead them into mistakes , nor will we mention any particular tree , plant , flower or fruit which is not in our own garden … we do not propose to mention many different species of trees and plants that are either in the public Botanick Garden , nor that may be in the possession of some curious gentlemen , but only such as are actually in the nurseries of persons belonging to this Society and from where any Gentleman may be furnished with any of the particulars here treated of by directing their letters for the Society of Gardeners at Newhall 's Coffee House in Chelsea , Nr .
28 Doctors protect themselves against even the remote possibility of failing to spot a disease and being sued for it by sending their patients for every test in the book .
29 For example , Milic , in his study of Swift 's prose style , confirms Swift 's predilection for clause connectives by comparing his results for a sample of Swift with those for equivalent samples of Addison , Johnson , and Macaulay : Swift 's habit of reinforcing connections between clauses sometimes reaches the extreme of sequences such as and therefore if notwithstanding …
30 Calculation of the Fourier coefficients a n and b n from equations ( 11.4 ) — ( 11.6 ) will now be illustrated by finding their values for a half-wave rectified sinewave of pulsatance ο and amplitude a .
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