Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] [pron] [noun pl] [prep] an " in BNC.

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1 From the point of view of the copyright libraries including ourselves , the case of the Ordnance Survey is also related to the thorny question of maintaining our collections in an era when digital publication is beginning to replace the printed page .
2 If your child is self-conscious , she may be afraid of revealing her thoughts in an essay .
3 He tried asking her about herself , but she had a knack of averting his questions with an apparently bashful stammer , looking at him with kohl-lined eyes that rolled around like the globules in a bricklayer 's balance .
4 If I could show you a way of keeping your premiums at an affordable level but still obtaining the li , the level of life cover that you need to be of to your wife and your family , would , would that be of interest to you ?
5 As the visit also presented an ideal opportunity of providing our guests with an in-depth view of JMSA 's diverse activities , an exhibition was set up in which autocatalysts and products of our Metal Joining , Noble Metals and Colour and Print businesses were incorporated .
6 Erm , what 's the advantage of having your inputs in an separate area from the view of testing ?
7 This principle was extended to civil servants who had the alternative remedy of taking their complaints to an industrial tribunal .
8 He therefore experimented with diluting his remedies in an attempt to find that dose which would still be curative but would not produce unwanted side-effects .
9 Candidates who come to grief in exams often lack practice in structuring their thoughts into an effective exam answer .
10 . Whatever opinions may be entertained concerning Mosley and his movement , there could be no graver stigma on the so-called freedom of expression said to prevail in Britain than that a body of Englishmen should be prevented from expressing their views by an Oriental confectioner .
11 Owen was not alone in treating his escapades as an adventure , half funny and half thrilling .
12 Secondly , even if implemented , the question would arise as to whether adequate checks existed to prevent the reconstituted board from exercising its powers in an arbitrary fashion .
13 Rating scales exploit the consensus among human observers in judging which aspects of an interaction are ‘ surface noise ’ , and which carry ‘ the tune ’ .
14 Parents have a crucial role to play in preparing their children for an independent adult life but may in practice unwittingly inhibit that progress .
15 The government is hoping to tempt more people who are disabled or unemployed back to work by paying their benefits in an initial lump sum .
16 Those in favour of keeping the school open seem to have finally achieved their goal by manoeuvring their colleagues into an embarrassing position .
17 By undoing our mistakes at an early stage , before symptoms manifest , we can prevent many of our problems .
18 Since it can only pay advisers a standard 3 p.c. commission by loading its funds with an equivalent charge , it runs the substantial risk of losing business now that the charge has been cut .
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