Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] [pron] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Bless you for helping me out with the Watsons .
2 The ball set up for to drive it straight into the wall Speedy then tried the shot Oldfield takes over .
3 It 's now about bringing everyone together for the good of British rugby , ’ said the Scot .
4 about bringing it up in the next erm meeting .
5 ‘ I said I 'd think about bringing you out into the field with me .
6 ‘ That 's the thanks I get for takin' ye out of a bloody hovel and givin' ye a proper place to live .
7 Unfortunately Ken 's recovery has suffered a setback after seeing us still in the title race with only fourteen-sixteenths of the season remaining .
8 I was work la last week and I erm I got ta scrub my nails after done everything anyway like every , like after I made the sandwiches , I scrub my nails after I 've been washing up , scrub my nails so I was scrubbing them all day Saturday , last week and it still did n't come out .
9 Nottingham Crown Court has been hearing allegations that a taxi driver raped a lesbian passenger after picking her up from a nightclub .
10 Whittingham joined Pompey four years ago after buying himself out of the Army for £450 .
11 Fifty years ago an American airman died averting a disaster , when he crashed his stricken bomber into a field after steering it away from a busy town centre .
12 Responsible for giving trainer Grant Eden a broken heel after throwing him off on the gallops , Artistic Reef made up for it with a game neck victory over favourite Palacegate Episode .
13 The manager will play Ryan Giggs from the start after leaving him out of the first leg due to a mix-up over UEFA rules governing foreign and assimilated players .
14 ‘ I 'm not a great one for carting them all around the country , so Will only contests about a dozen competitions a year ’ .
15 The bell for Compline rang , the time she had set herself for hounding him out at the wicket , into a world he was , perhaps , already beginning to regret surrendering , but which he might have found none too hospitable to a runaway Benedictine novice .
16 Although this was an extremely delicate operation for Nizan to perform , given that in 1934 he had carried out the rather complex act of ideological rehabilitation designed to demonstrate that Gide 's intellectual itinerary was such as to lead him inevitably to a commitment to communism , he none the less succeeded in combining professional respect for Gide 's qualities as a writer with penetrating criticism of what he considered to be Gide 's superficial analysis and hasty dismissal of the Soviet state .
17 Unless , ’ he added with unpleasant irony , ‘ anyone has any other ideas for picking it out of the shit … ’ ,
18 The Englishman sensed that the big personal build-up was a blind to hide Muldoon 's real reason for wanting him out of the country .
19 and they come to MPs like me to try and find some way of helping themselves out of the dilemma .
20 I was at the time very concerned , because he was posted almost immediately to North Africa , and there was no chance of helping him forward in the early days of his Christian life .
21 Instead of seeing them individually in the privacy of his study , he arranged regular ‘ Sharing Jesus ’ evenings to which the baptism families and wedding couples were invited .
22 after that we sort of passed it on to the one next you know what to expect , but if it was down to my mother she 'd never tell you .
23 Meanwhile , the Whips pursued the government in the hope of catching them out in a snap vote ; at the least this would disrupt their progress and there seemed an outside chance that the government would tire of the interminable pressure and throw in the sponge .
24 Imperials both , they did not follow the local custom of farming him out to a neighbour .
25 Probably because it was a way of roping him in for the future , Malcolm invited him down to a few rehearsals .
26 It is clear that the derivation of the high number of word paths from mid-classes and the problem of filtering them out at the lexical access stage means that syntactic/semantic information must be brought to bear as soon as words are accessed .
27 We toyed with the idea of bringing her down from the gallery and onto the set one evening .
28 This has reduced the lag between the US and the UK to around a month with the stated goal of eliminating it completely by the end of the year for both English and the primary European languages .
29 His spirit had not been broken ; rather he was afraid of tearing himself apart with the involuntary jerking of one side of his limbs in the opposite direction to the other .
30 Also , when you die you get to choose whereabouts on the screen to restart , avoiding the trap of landing you right in the middle of what killed you in the first place .
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