Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] but at [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Tribunals are an essential check on the powers of officialdom but at the moment they do not work as well as they should to ensure justice in welfare provision .
2 According to Paul Rutishauser of transport consultants , Transnet , " it 's not pollution at the point of use but at the point of production that 's the question .
3 Any particular sequence of actual exchanges of Kula valuables serves to manifest this state of indebtedness but at the end of the day the position is as it began .
4 Fanny possesses strong feeling towards Edmund but at the beginning of the novel is quiet in showing her feelings .
5 The time taken to complete one revolution of the Earth is decreasing over aeons of time but at the moment it is , give or take the odd second , 24 hours ; this defines the solar day .
6 with Dave but at the moment if we 're audited tomorrow
7 Etching of limestones with dilute acid gives an apparent increase in luminescence intensity , but this is due to points of high relief catching the oblique beam , with shadowing giving an increase in contrast but at the expense of resolution .
8 The retailer may be cushioned from cut-throat competition from supermarkets but at the cost of their freedom to sell or price as they wish : like small subcontractors , being tied to a dominant parent company may be the cost of insuring against business failure .
9 DHA 1 does , in fact , see its revenue allocation increase from £117.8m to £117.95m. but at the expense of DHAs 2 and 3 .
10 The number of visitors is increasing from year to year but at the peak of the holiday season this is causing more congestion and overuse of the landscape .
11 Wild animals are used for food but at a level at which they can still reproduce a similar surplus a year later .
12 Other mountain belts such as the Andes are also produced by subduction but at the boundary of continent and ocean floor , which have very different geological character .
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