Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] it [vb past] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In a number of cases it ousted earlier conventions , such as the indiction or year of grace ( see later ) .
2 Japan ( not the United States , as suggested last week ) still boasts the world 's biggest official foreign reserves : at the end of January it had some $79 billion-worth ( including foreign currency , SDRs and its reserve position at the IMF , but excluding gold ) .
3 Since it involved a fresh assessment of wealth it encountered some hostility .
4 The hull was unrecognisable as such ; half out of water it became unidentifiable debris .
5 Out of control it caused dreadful havoc , but when it ran smoothly and sweetly it not only modified life 's aridity but added a pleasing dimension to the view , while Lydia , at present , was using it only to make mud pies .
6 The group doubled the number of passengers it carried last year to 1.65m and should perform even better this year following the purchase in September of Pickfords Travel from NFC for more than £16m .
7 At its worst it may have been a parasitic racket representing only itself to the detriment of all , but on the larger canvas of society it gave political power to a narrow group of substantial landowners in loose alliance with merchant princes and the small towns which returned members to Parliament .
8 In its first year of operation it made 25,000 cars and trucks .
9 Lois Brown was critical of the length of time it took many publishers to make deliveries .
10 Whereas for John the Kingdom came as a threat to a people who were unprepared , for Jesus it represented good news to those who felt unworthy or excluded .
11 Masklin ran this sentence through his head again , in case it made any sense when you listened to it a second time .
12 Though his union did not entirely disappear in Hull it took many years to recover .
13 In addition it made some recommendations to BRAC , one of which was to encourage BRAC to make a greater effort to cooperate with the local village practitioners .
14 In addition it followed Roman Law on rape .
15 Performed in Shiraz it aroused enormous anger and offence .
16 He also involved a religious foundation — the Charterhouse — in his scheme ( although it appears that in practice it played little part ) and wanted his Master to be a Scholar of Eton or of Winchester ( if such could be found ) and to be appointed on the recommendation of the Provosts of Eton College and of King 's College , Cambridge .
17 In a very real sense , therefore , the employers , whether farmers or landlords — in practice it made little difference — were not part of the rural village community as far as the agricultural worker was concerned .
18 Despite its apparent relativism , in practice it defined alternative centres of cultural authority primarily in terms of their difference from the norm of English culture , not in their uniqueness and their discontinuities .
19 In January it opened 15 centres which will up-date teachers ' skills in maths , science and computer education .
20 To be of value in war it required Egyptian co-operation .
21 In China it took many years for the railway to broach the capital .
22 In traditional aborigine societies in Australia it brought high prestige and power since the elders directed the affairs of the tribe , but in Western societies , the elderly are usually pensioned off and old age assumes a very different meaning .
23 If we go on to books erm , I think that Longman performance is exceptionally good erm , of course for book business it 's very much first half , second half , most of the profit coming in second half , but er , erm , Longman only dropping seven percent on the year before seems to me a particularly good performance given the environment and in fact it generated more operating cash flow than the year before .
24 In fact it took some time to make effective progress , in part because of institutional changes ; Lord Portal replaced Lord Reith , and in 1943 a separate Ministry of Town and Country Planning was set up .
25 Recently books have been written querying the efficiency and use of Bomber Command aircraft in the night bombing of Germany , and asking whether it did help in the final defeat or whether in fact it made little difference .
26 The strategic concept had everything in its favour ; for success it required efficient planning and ruthless aggression .
27 The US State Department said on Tuesday it suspected Serbian arms destined for Somalia were on the ship which was apparently heading for Kenya .
28 ‘ I remember when we first came here on honeymoon it did wonderful things to you , Stephen .
29 Virgin 's determined to fight , on Thursday it began legal action here in the United States .
30 At times it seemed that price increases would be favoured as a means of raising self-financing and reducing pressure on the capital market ; at others that rises would be deprecated as contributing to inflation .
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