Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] to [art] new [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 One reason for resistance to the new paradigm was the sheer impossibility of convincing geologists in the traditional way : by convening on an outcrop and hammering out the evidence .
2 Locke could have learnt from his Carolina experience that the old English approach to property , based on the tenants ' allegiance to the landlord , was no longer fully accepted and certainly was not suitable for export to a new territory .
3 Transfer responsibility for broadcasting to the new Ministry The BBC is a major patron of the arts , and broadcasting itself combines a variety of arts and crafts .
4 Advice on time-zone transitions depends very much upon the kind of journey being made , so we consider the following possibilities : • A flight crossing only a few ( one or two ) time zones ; • A flight crossing several time zones , ( to the west or east ) and when the stop-over , before returning home , is short ; • A flight crossing several time zones to the west where there is sufficient time and need for adjustment to the new time zone ; • A flight as in the last example , but to the east .
5 In general , the wider ( and often cheaper ) choice of credit types which is opened up by monthly-paid bank accounts seems to us to be , on its own , a big enough advantage to outweigh what is really the temporary awkwardness of change to a new set of habits .
6 Social work practice with these families should concentrate on constructing a framework of security from the matching stage onwards , and this must mean delegating the maximum degree of responsibility to the new family to do things their way which the law allows .
7 We will transfer responsibility for food standards from the Ministry of Agriculture to a new Food and Drugs Commission .
8 Meanwhile , another option became available to the poor as they joined the growing number of emigrants to the New World .
9 The formulation of inductive generalizations ( using algebraic notation ) , or the application of rules to a new context , are more specific meanings attached to the term .
10 What had begun as a movement of resistance to the new apparatus of militarism , became itself a tolerated part of that apparatus .
11 His promotion in 1644 to the important post of co-secretary to the new committee of both kingdoms may have been partly because he was already known to , and trusted by , its Scottish members , but also suggests more direct patronage .
12 Methodological principles need to be discussed at the rather abstract level at which they were presented in the preceding chapters ; otherwise it is not always easy to assess the applicability of a set of methods to a new research context .
13 Last night had been a glorious voyage of discovery to a new land , revealing wonders never dreamt of .
14 The Tall Ships had sailed from all corners of the world to Liverpool to commemorate the 500th anniversary of Christopher Columbus 's voyage of discovery to the New World .
15 The process of adjustment to a new life-style has to be worked through , but gradually there has to be self-discovery and a move to new activities .
16 MY party of visitors to the new Museum of Liverpool Life were less than impressed with the Brookside exhibit .
17 Citrine was a powerful symbol of the elevation of workers to a new role in the industry .
18 There is no ‘ average ’ advance figure , but major record companies are often willing to pay in excess of £50,000 to a new band , rising each year throughout the contract .
19 The Act dissolved the Company and transferred its powers and those of the Board of Control to a new Secretary of State .
20 Moreover , the results of Lawrence 's evaluation of admissions to the new service had not become available until 1987 .
21 GPs also complain , quite rightly , that hospital staff making , for example , discharge plans for a group of patients to a new home or hostel sometimes neglect to discuss the plans with the primary care team — normally the local general practice together with its team of doctors , nurses and other specialists — yet expect the GPs to pick up the pieces when something goes wrong .
22 There was a feeling of commitment to the new way , which is probably a very old way , practised in the stone circles of the ancient ones .
23 Equity providers will back management teams because of the strength of character and entrepreneurial skills of their members , who , as a general rule , will : ( a ) have a high degree of commitment to the new business ; ( b ) have strong entrepreneurial instincts ; ( c ) have confidence in their ability to take control of the business and run it without the assistance of inter-group services ; ( d ) be able to take personal risks without adverse effect on their decision making ; ( e ) have the strength of character to cope with the frustrations and successes of the negotiation process ; ( f ) be few in number and therefore able to make decisions quickly ; ( g ) have strong family support .
24 In School E , a policy of infrastructural substitution entailed the conversion of a classroom to a lower-school library and the adaptation of furniture to the new purpose ; there was also extra-curricular augmentation in the innovation of a " book week " with competitions and a visiting celebrity , curriculum integration through the development of topic work , and curriculum substitution in the re-writing of the science syllabus to incorporate the replacement of much didacticism with more enquiry-based methods .
25 Under the rescue plan , the Dutch and Flemish governments and financial institutions will pump in up to £186 million of capital to a new company , DAF Trucks NV .
26 New pop had rapidly lost its mischief and settled down into a post-rock , post-teenage maturity , peddling naff fantasies of sophistication to a new generation of moneyed teeny-boppers whose only desire was to grow up as soon as possible .
27 The transition from the Old Testament of Jahweh to the New Testament of Jesus Christ consisted in great measure in the abandonment of Job 's sombre belief that , when he died , he would go :
28 the right sort of order of magnitude of allocation to the new settlement , the remainder of the hundred and forty five hectares would be within that ring on that plan .
29 In an old garden , there may be a fruit tree , or a good bulwark of evergreen laurel or box that , tidied up , could add a dash of venerability to the new garden that will emerge around it .
30 A stunning collection of more than twelve million photographs recording some of the most famous events in history has been moved out of London to a new home here in the Central South Region .
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