Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] have [verb] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 , The Minister for Agriculture has put an end to scallop fishing in the north-east in an effort to prevent further outbreaks of paralytic shellfish poisoning which has no cure and can be fatal .
2 Continual efforts to wring out every drop of water from our landscape by improving drainage for agriculture have made the glories of water meadows , winter floods and even overgrown streams extremely rare and precious .
3 Life for Ginger had become a roller-coaster but she was a survivor .
4 You might , for instance have to alter the way the murder you had in mind is committed or you might have to go so far as to alter the motive of the murderer or even find a completely different person to commit the central action .
5 There was a pause on the line long enough for Pascoe to have taken a nap .
6 Nigel Clough 's arrival at Liverpool , Wales ' World Cup prospects and his natural thirst for goals has left the Reds ' striker itching for action in a season which could turn out to be a memorable .
7 At a crossroads three miles from the square that for centuries has represented the heart of imperial Russia , the independent marchers were told by police that Red Square was out of bounds .
8 The tribeswoman will doubtless have deep feelings for her children and be ambitious for their success in life , and affection and admiration for animals has had a place in all societies , even in that of Ancient Rome .
9 His political troubles deepened at the weekend after conservatives had won a series of victories at an emergency session of the legislature , the Congress of People 's Deputies , which had paved the way for his powers to be curbed .
10 All vegetation was dying , after July had felt the breath of January .
11 printing papers which after making have had a surface coating with clay etc , to give a smoother , more even finish with greater opacity .
12 SIR , — Successful attempts at inducing pregnancies in women after menopause have prompted a response from a higher authority , who feels that publication of His work has been overlooked by modern authors .
13 Mr Thomas , of the Bungalow Store , Stratford Road , Hartlepool , said he believed Jackie and a 16-year-old paperboy who she ran to for help had handled the situation well .
14 On the Mar Lodge estate in the Cairngorms , red deer introduced for hunting have overrun the estate , threatening their own existence and the estate 's other wildlife .
15 FORECASTS of the highest tides for decades have prompted an Essex council to distribute flood warning leaflets to people living in low-lying areas .
16 Yeah and I said to her erm , and she said I do n't know how it came out about her son in the fire service , oh I know she 'd just come back from Orlando , cos she 'd been off work having had a hysterectomy and she had three week 's leave due to her
17 The Countryside Commission for Scotland has published a report recommending that four national parks should be created to prevent further damage to mountain areas .
18 But the pace of change has seen the introduction of controversial new techniques and men prepared to sabotage equipment underground .
19 A troupe of experts has toured the country giving their views over periods of several days and as a result some courts have convicted and others have acquitted .
20 There , paradoxically , the complex of reasons had included the need to focus on the interests of minorities and avoid racism : presumably Una Marson 's poems would have been safe with them .
21 This set of essays has sketched the development , from small but imaginative beginnings , of a major Modular Course with significant institutional support .
22 The durability of coins has ensured the survival of these images from poorly documented periods and has thereby provided , as was realised in the Renaissance , a unique memorial to the achievements and history of the past .
23 Hence , far from seeing NHS provision evaluated on a basis broadly comparable with the private sector , the authors of WFP have swung the balance in favour of private hospitals .
24 Arguments over using the ‘ Jarman index ’ to assess demand for services and the method of payment have obscured the principle underlying the payments .
25 Since interest rates started falling millions of homeowners have had the chance to remortgage their home and pocket lower interest deals .
26 The coming of Chaos had taught the Elves many bitter lessons .
27 Without doubt , however , the fall of the barriers between 2.1 million west Berliners , 1.3 million east Berliners and almost another million people in the surrounding area of Brandenburg has recreated a metropolis with immense economic pulling power .
28 John Smith may of necessity have toured the prawn cocktail circuit of the City but he represents those parts of the UK deeply suspicious of its working .
29 The state of Tennessee had passed a law forbidding the teaching of the theory of evolution on the ground that it " denies the story of the divine creation of man as taught in the Bible " .
30 A year after a referendum failed to endorse proposed sweeping restrictions on hunting [ see ED no. 35/36 ] , the Italian Chamber of Deputies has approved a bill cutting the hunting season by three months , restricting hunters to designated reserves and limiting the number of species which can be killed .
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