Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [vb base] for [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Many women have benefited from mifepristone 's availability in France — but even there , not all women want it : according to a spokesman for the makers , about a third in need of abortion opt for a swift operation .
2 Only one person remarkably said that Oxford United would win by one goal to nil , I think loads of people go for the three ones or the four ones or things like that .
3 On an empty lot between two Harlem streets , a group of people arrive for an outdoor party to celebrate the new publication of an unnamed author .
4 For the reasons specified above , the 50 schools sampled were asked to provide us both with their overall attendance rate and the numbers of pupils absent for a specific week in June and again for a specific week in November .
5 A police spokesperson declared on Jan. 10 that allegations of police support for the so-called vigilantes was a " blatant lie " .
6 But what does Mr Li 's brand of socialism portend for the 1.1 billion people who endure life in the world 's most populous nation ?
7 The calendar of events form for the next six months period which should be completed and returned before 2 MARCH 1990 .
8 10% of house-buyers opt for a full structural survey ; this is a more detailed report based on a more exhaustive investigation and technical examination of the property — it lists the defects and includes an assessment of any remedial works which may need to be undertaken immediately and in the foreseeable future .
9 My voting slip ( the other half ) is part of the number of votes cast for a particular candidate .
10 In April the ninth SPA was elected with the usual efficiency : turnout was claimed to be 99.78 per cent , with 100 per cent of votes cast for the successful candidates .
11 What proportion of councils opt for a third system ?
12 Users may feel that the new system will make their job less secure , will make their relationship with others change for the worse , or will lead to a loss of the independence that they previously enjoyed .
13 I asked at the meeting of the city board and I asked on more than one occasion , and did n't get a proper answer , what the labour group intended to do with the three point two million pounds that will build up in reserve say for the next three years .
14 Equally depression of prostaglandin synthesis , by diminishing pain perception , could at least in part account for the high proportion of NSAID associated ulcers that are silent .
15 Death during transport and in quarantine account for a further 20 per cent of each batch .
16 Now , is it any wonder why American businesses in Singapore have for the last 5 years registered a remarkable 25% average rate of return .
17 Concentrate on essentials Go for the main points of the lecture , not details .
18 The remaining 69 seats were allocated according to votes cast for the national lists of the 27 parties who had collected enough signatures to be eligible .
19 The conclusion is the same : provided the doctor can argue that he was seeking to prevent pain and suffering , the other criteria proposed by Skegg allow for a sufficient degree of subjective assessment as to offer no real barrier to the exercise of the doctor 's paternalism .
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