Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [vb base] be [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Experiments to find vine clones best suited to the solumological and climatical conditions of Champagne have been continuing for more than twenty years .
2 Scientists at the Rowett Research Institute , near Aberdeen and the North of Scotland College of Agriculture have been working on the idea for more than 15 years .
3 Baldwin 's reply was not very different from words lie had used to the July deputation , but this time of course lie was speaking in public and with his words immediately available for all to refer to :
4 ‘ I think a lot of Canadians have been waiting with baited breath for several months wondering whether he will stay or go and I think the fact he 's leaving is going to be good for the country , ’ the deputy Liberal leader , Sheila Copps , said .
5 THOUSANDS of homes have been relying on stored water supplies following a discharge of diesel oil into the River Tees .
6 Letters of thanks have been flooding into our offices .
7 Generations of gypsies have been travelling to Stow each year .
8 Of particular interest , given that rates of divorce have been rising over the last two decades , is whether relatives commonly provide housing for people who have separated from a married or cohabiting partner .
9 Dozens of gliders have been soaring over the region competing in one of the country 's largest gliding championships .
10 But Ferguson countered : ‘ A lot of people have been looking at Eric 's move with a very negative attitude .
11 A lot of people have been laying into the Tomlinson report on London 's health services , and it was hardly surprising to find one of the most vociferous was NUPE 's general secretary Rodney Bickerstaffe .
12 Indeed , in situations where Health Authorities have had easy access to the skills of economists , as through the York Health Economics Consortium ( University of York , 1990 ) , demand has been high , suggesting that the appropriate skills for the assessment of efficiency have been lacking in the past .
13 Newsagents , from whom the majority of you buy your magazines , tell me that issues of GH have been selling like hot cakes over the Christmas period .
14 Bedell goes on to say that when a man embarks on one of those humiliation rituals which men behind desks have been perfecting for generations , she wishes she had the guts to introduce a bit of power play and weep gently but composedly .
15 Workers at a piano factory threatened with closure have been demonstrating in support of a management buyout .
16 Many families who get into difficulties have been struggling with problems that would daunt the most energetic and resourceful of people .
17 The RAF crews who are flying aid into Bosnia have been talking about the dangers they face .
18 Peter White , this instability could result as people have been warning in Civil War , that we 've already heard about venturism being er , suggested by the Russian leader Boris Yeltsin it , he might try to change the boundaries of the Soviet Republics .
19 The country 's biggest bookseller W.H. Smith based in Swindon have been campaigning against any tax on books .
20 Colour specialists in Louisville have been working on the changes for three years , using information pulled in from dealers and regional sales people .
21 In Wales there is a nationally agreed pupil profile ; and many groups of schools or Local Authorities in England have been working on forms of profiling that would be objective and intelligible .
22 Pat herself has been very ill and people in QP have been praying for her .
23 Mr Lamont said : ‘ The key to an improved trade performance lies in the competitiveness of our products — and the signs are encouraging : earnings are now growing more slowly than at any time for 25 years ; labour productivity has been rising rapidly , and while unit wage costs in manufacturing have been rising in Japan and Germany , here they showed no increase at all during 1992 .
24 Climbers visiting the newly developed Thrang and Striddle quarries in Langdale have been parking over the access to the nearby farm , which is also a public right of way .
25 Nitrate concentrations in rainwater have been increasing for the past seven years .
26 About a dozen mental patients going through rehabilitation in Aylesbury have been working on the boat which was taken on by the Dandelion Trust .
27 Members of an operational group at Statoil 's office in Forushagen have been working on a tender exercise with Lagos site office .
28 Rates of smoking in adolescents have been falling in Australia ( fig 1 ) in contrast to their relative stability in Britain .
29 Because I am delighted to report that education standards in Wales have been rising over the last few years following the introduction of the national curriculum and our other reforms .
30 As for people in Leeds being sick of the Manc hype , people in Manchester are sick of the Manc hype and have been for as long as people from Leeds have been tramping across the moors in their flares and Kickers to buy ‘ God created Manchester ’ tops and to dance at the Haçienda .
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