Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [pers pn] [verb] [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Er it 's er it 's a ex W D lens , after wartime they sold these things they sold them in catalogues and I sent of for this one , and it 's about a stone and a half in weight .
2 For year after year he worked all hours serving different governments and different ministers .
3 As a result of that contract of course you have some rights er but the shop have some rights as well .
4 Like the woman 's no good Of course I told some things about Wendy .
5 Of course I know some men find me attractive ! ’ she snapped .
6 Now that the partisans were well organized in the Province of Parma they committed many acts of sabotage .
7 If they do n't have the waiver of premiums they get more units , because the more money goes into the er , whatsit .
8 So it was that when I was asked to contribute an account of Elizabeth Taylor 's novels to a book of reference I remembered these words and wrote that her motive power was Love : ‘ Not the love that is a four-letter word , nor yet anything so theoretical as Christian charity , but most certainly a great virtue . ’
9 In favour of marriage he noted such things as children , companionship and home comforts : ‘ picture to yourself a nice soft wife on a sofa with good fire , and books and music perhaps ’ .
10 Indeed , the kind of life which he bestows on his coffee-pot or coffee-grinder , his table , his chair and window , is just the sort of life we feel these things are really living !
11 I know , but I mean like I 've got a lot of bollocks I 've some bollocks on it about erm er and shit like that .
12 I mean , when you 're actually directing a piece of work , and it does n't matter who you 're working with … they know constantly how you feel about it , and that 's sub-text as well as text , and it 's osmosis ; and a lot of it is very elliptical and oblique and subtle , and it goes on all of the time ; and you know from them how they 're taking it , how they 're working and what they think of it by exactly similar sorts of processes you get those feedbacks , and you see the work .
13 As a monument to extravagance of taste it has few equals in England , although it may not entirely justify the descriptions of a series of upended turnips stuck on boxes or St Paul 's pups which two irreverent contemporaries , William Cobbett and Dean Smith , bestowed on it .
14 Additionally it might be argued that with the almost instantaneous transmission of information we have these days , the impact of hearing about individuals or groups or communities of people dying is that much greater because we have less time to prepare for bad news .
15 Still , in the art of qualification they have few equals .
16 Lois Brown was critical of the length of time it took many publishers to make deliveries .
17 With unemployment we thought more men would have come forward .
18 you see it 's got no , they 're telling you this and telling you that , it 's them that 's doing this but they 're creating more food , food by , to create more food they 're bombarding all your food with chemicals you know all sorts you know
19 Railways were unlikely to threaten that target but , just in case they harboured any ambitions to get close , Fraser removed three of their first four batsmen for 10 runs in the space of 22 deliveries .
20 The two men were at the top of the stairs and almost within grabbing distance , but if either had tried it he would have left his fingers in the frame as the bang echoed through the house and Carson thumbed the deadlock button , just in case they had any ideas about picking their way in .
21 Which it saves just in case we had any accidents , and lost any of our files anywhere .
22 These are so often fastened by those who , in the name of love , secure our chains daily in case we have any notions of escape .
23 In case you get any ideas buster , that car behind is full of friends of mine . ’
24 ‘ Rock'n'roll ’ , in case you had any doubts , is not Jay 's bag .
25 ‘ Sub-lieutenant Bacci here will stay and help you in case you leave any gaps . ’
26 Though his union did not entirely disappear in Hull it took many years to recover .
27 In addition it made some recommendations to BRAC , one of which was to encourage BRAC to make a greater effort to cooperate with the local village practitioners .
28 To those with no operational experience such as MPs , Courts of Enquiry , magistrates etc. , it can appear a sensible and foolproof system , but in practice it has many deficiencies .
29 Mill 's ‘ harm-to-others ’ principle seems simple , but in practice it has many problems .
30 So if there 's a burglar then , he 'll probably be put off by I mean if he really wanted to break into any particular house for a reason , you , you might approach it , but if you have n't got th no firm house in mind you 've several houses and there 's one house without any lights on at all and it was night time , you may well go for that one first .
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