Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [adj] at [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This was by no means certain at the time the payments were made .
2 But these truths were by no means self-evident at the time of their first suggestion , when they were not so readily acceptable .
3 I already had reason to suspect that I was by no means flavour-of-the-month at the Oxford International Language College .
4 Put this as a percentage of the number of aphids present at the beginning of the week :
5 Currently , there appears to be a real danger that the European catalogue of titles available at the time of the planned launch in the first quarter of 1992 will be dominated by discs developed and published for the US market .
6 Thus , if in the year 1992/93 the income was £100 and the trustees paid the basic rate of tax because the income had a UK source of £25 and the additional rate of tax of £10 the amount of income available at the end of 1993 is £65 .
7 He argues that there must be an accumulation of ‘ circumstances ’ and ‘ currents ’ that ‘ fuse ’ into a ‘ ruptural unity ’ that involves not only the level of the relations of production but also the conditions of existence prevailing at the time and the international conjuncture ( Althusser 1969 : 100 ) .
8 Her hostility was matched by the range of influential figures including Lord Tennyson , Robert Browning , Thomas Huxley and Herbert Spencer who reflected the popular distrust of foreigners prevalent at the time .
9 The credit terms were a deposit of £1,000 which was paid in cash and two equal instalments of £900 payable at the start of month four and seven respectively .
10 CZECH government official Mrs. Jana Halova checks out a pint of Holts Entire at a visit to the company 's Station Road brewery in Oldbury .
11 The figures for applications heard by a single Lord Justice and two and three Lords Justices went a long way to explaining why , despite the facts that the rate at which appeals were begun had shown little change over the years , there had been some small increase in judge-power and that major improvements had been made in the court 's procedures , the number of appeals outstanding at the end of each year and the lead times for hearing appeals showed no real improvement .
12 The information provided in this leaflet is not intended to be exhaustive , but tells you the basic facts about the IUD on the basis of evidence available at the time of publication .
13 If you wish you can ‘ phone or write for details of NHS or free-paying clinics to the A final word The information provided in this leaflet is not intended to be exhaustive , but tells you the basic facts about male and female sterilisation on the basis of evidence available at the time of publication .
14 They had invested in junk in the first place because of government policy , accounting for 7% of bonds outstanding at the end of 1988 .
15 Awkward underruns when the organists had to fill with 10 minutes of organ voluntary at the end could be avoided .
16 The actual method of payment , the book of orders cashable at the Post Office , is one of the most important factors .
17 The several presidents of colleges present at the meeting kept insisting that ‘ accreditation is dead ’ and not a problem : there is plenty of flexibility in the system , they said .
18 As the number of tickets available at the museum is limited it is recommended that you purchase your tickets before you travel .
19 Study 1 demonstrated that risk ratings were positively correlated with the time spent at a junction and the number of vehicles visible at a junction .
20 Therefore it must be the case that this rational but conditional expectation of the price the agent will find in his local market in period t will be : where is the expectation formed on the basis of information available at the end of period t - 1 about p ( ) t .
21 Firms base their production plans for period t on the price they expect to prevail in t , this expectation being formed , as before , in the light of information available at the end of period t - 1 .
22 The question that arises is whether such a view of history is justified and whether or not it simply reflects an evolutionary view of history prevalent at the time .
23 Gesualdo 's later madrigals , however fascinating their scent of decadence , are an evolutionary dead end ; Monteverdi was taking part in the transformation of the madrigal into something quite different , though in view of his dramatic and pictorial ability it is strange that he neglected to produce one of those suites of madrigals popular at the time ( comedie armoniche ) realistically describing women gossiping at the wash ( Striggio 's Cicalamento delle donne al bucato , 1567 ) , Venetian scenes ( Croce 's Triaca musicale , 1596 ) , or a complete commedia dell'arte ( the Am–parnaso , 1597 , of Orazio Vecchi ( 1550–1605 ) , the outstanding masterpiece of this genre ) , and a whole series of works by Banchieri .
24 Therefore the amount of interest due at the end of the period is calculated according to the formula for simple interest : , where R = amount of interest M= face or par value of deposit d= interest rate on deposit ( as a proportion ) N= number of days between deposit and maturity .
25 For decades after , Walsall remained the famous name in giant-killing folklore , a kind of perverse tribute to Arsenal 's greatness , but with other , more recent , spectacular Cup exits , notably that of Leeds United at the hands of Colchester in 1971 , the Walsall ghost may finally have been laid to rest .
26 Browning will parade his talents in front of England No 2 Lawrie McMenemy against Cambridge United at the Abbey Stadium tonight after Big Mal persuaded Big Lawrie , the England Under-21 squad manager , to take a look at the Bristol-born former YTS lad .
27 4 bedded rooms with terrace available at a supplement consisting of 1 double and 2 singles in 2 rooms .
28 Although chemical weathering reflects the tendency for new minerals to be formed which are stable under conditions prevailing at the Earth 's surface , the rate at which these stable forms are produced is often very slow .
29 BANNED Darlington assistant manager Mick Tait will miss the Third Division derby clash with Hartlepool United at the Victoria Ground a week on Saturday .
30 After lunch I went for a walk in the little market town , now being hardened to being a subject of great curiosity , with people gaping at the sides of the road , and children following us up and down the street .
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