Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [prep] the time when " in BNC.

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1 Careful explanations at this time could give them at least an inkling of the importance of the game , and some measure of preparation for the time when it will be no game , but a reality of great promise .
2 Mr Justice Vinelott , allowing the inspector 's appeal , said that the question of uncertainty in relation to s 247(8) could not be determined by reference to the inspector 's state of mind at the time when the assessment was made .
3 As with chimneys , so with synapses ; if they are constructed — or even reconstructed — during learning , one might expect a brief increase in the rate of synthesis of proteins over the time when an animal was being trained and memory was being formed .
4 ‘ There was a lot of talk about the time when she and Kate — ’
5 That has always been our intention and you will find that this attitude makes a lot of difference at the time when it really counts .
6 The distinction was of importance during the time when development charges were imposed , since if there was no ‘ development ’ then no development charge was payable , whereas development was , by definition , eligible for a charge .
7 If what was a secret at the time that the contract was entered into subsequently becomes public knowledge then it would be unrealistic if the court were simply to examine the question of reasonableness at the time when the contract was entered .
8 The insurance should cover the full cost of rebuilding and reinstatement from time to time , although it is accepted that a covenant to insure for the " full cost of reinstatement " will be construed as meaning the cost of reinstatement at the time when reinstatement actually takes place , as opposed to the date when the premium is paid , or any other date .
9 The greatest problem for the historian of late medieval population in England is that he has no reliable figure for the number of inhabitants at the time when the plague struck the country first .
10 Nolan , who has the requisite number of uncles and elder brothers , has treated a wide range of diseases since the time when , aged two , he cured another child of ringworm .
11 In 1351 Edward III granted John the woodward of Raskelf a pension of 3d. a day ‘ for good service and especially because his eyes were torn out and his tongue and his fingers cut off by malefactors in the Forest of Galtres in the time when he was one of the King 's foresters there ’ .
12 ( The interest that the government has to pay will reflect the market rate of interest at the time when the bonds are issued . )
13 He looks forward with impatience to the time when he will be sent to Siberia ; his martyrdom ends with the beginning of his punishment " .
14 Both taxes came into operation at the time when the land and property boom turned into a slump .
15 The property , it is thought , must already be in existence at the time when it was obtained .
16 If no lease was in existence at the time when the accused made the false representation , it is believed that the accused would not be guilty under s.15 of obtaining possession of the land by deception because he would not have the intention permanently to deprive .
17 I was practising this the other day , in preparation for the time when my climbing standard drops slightly , and was surprised to read some interesting facts about myself .
18 In addition , a " Special Period in Times of Peace " plan had already been put into effect to cope with dwindling supplies from the Soviet Union and eastern Europe , and an " Option Zero " of extreme economic cutbacks and food rationing was in preparation for the time when Soviet oil shipments finally ceased .
19 One of the cases also incidentally raises the question of whether , and to what extent , it may be desirable to have regard to what was said in Parliament at the time when the legislation was under discussion .
20 Prima facie these are the rules in force at the time when he became a member .
21 Purely procedural rules may be binding by reference to the rules in force at the time when the procedure is applied .
22 ( 8 ) In proceedings to enforce a liability arising by virtue of subsection ( 3 ) above , it shall be a defence for the defendant to prove that he believed , and had reasonable cause to believe — ( a ) that the residential occupier had ceased to reside in the premises in question at the time when he was deprived of occupation as mentioned in subsection ( 1 ) above or , as the case may be , when the attempt was made or the acts were done as a result of which he gave up his occupation of those premises ; or ( b ) that , where the liability would otherwise arise by virtue only of the doing of acts or the withdrawal or withholding of services , he had reasonable grounds for doing the acts or withdrawing or withholding the services in question .
23 She was studying in Florence at the time when she spotted a trend among Florentine women for a drawstring leather duffel bag .
24 Respondents were asked to say whether they had actually received assistance from relatives at the time when their own children were born , and also to indicate whether they would turn to relatives for support in three hypothetical situations , of varying degrees of seriousness : to borrow tools or materials ; if the respondent and/or his wife were ill for a couple of days ; if illness lasted several weeks .
25 He relied upon the fact that the evidence of Price , although ( if accepted ) it implicated the applicant in the commission of the relevant offences , did not provide any evidence that the applicant was himself in Sweden at the time when those offences were committed .
26 Safety is to be judged in terms of the time when the product was supplied .
27 Economic conditions in Europe at the time when the decision is taken will be crucial in determining whether that will be achievable .
28 This , we hoped , would permit us to see the various stages of the project in operation from the time when a school began to plan its proposal to the time when the materials purchased with project funds were already in use .
29 The manager , though not the supervisor , should normally be in attendance throughout the time when the office is open to the public or to telephone calls from the public .
30 But the fact remains that there is no formal record that AFHQ had specifically been informed of the approach of the Croats to Austria at the time when Robertson drafted his signal .
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