Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [vb -s] [adv] the same " in BNC.

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1 However , there is also in English a more substantial effect on linguistic form for all the separatives ; they are ungrammatical in predicative position , even when qualifying the same nouns that they can accompany fully acceptably in attributive position : ( 47 ) the king is/will be future fortunately , Dostoievsky 's execution was mock Likewise , in the attributive phrases in ( 48 ) , possible and occasional are separative , qualifying the relationship between the entity of the noun phrase and the descriptions RIVAL and SAILORS respectively , rather than directly qualifying the entity itself : ( 48 ) a possible rival now came on the scene Wilkes and Andersen are occasional sailors ( the last pair of words has much the same meaning as the phrase week-end sailors ) .
2 The fact that ‘ emergency cases ’ apart , no medical treatment of an adult patient of full capacity can be undertaken without his consent , creates a situation in which the absence of consent has much the same effect as a refusal .
3 Although the linguist who undertakes the analysis of discourse has ultimately the same aims as a linguist who uses ‘ system-sentences ’ in his grammatical description of a language , there are important methodological differences involved in the two approaches .
4 The defamiliarizing principle in art has exactly the same effect on its material ‘ ingredients ’ : it subordinates and transforms the way they are in non-literary circumstances .
5 My feeling for girls has still the same nervous reverence of childhood or earliest boyhood , rather increased if anything , and only too excessive to be chivalrous .
6 In ( 1 ) above this gives rise to an impression of a prospective event , of a desire or longing on the part of the speaker to realize the action denoted by the infinitive , so that the to infinitive produces basically the same sort of impression in this first type of exclamation as in He struggled to get free : it evokes a prospective non-realized event .
7 The to infinitive has much the same expressive effect in : ( 23 ) Certainly I looked for no such friendship as you have shown .
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