Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [adj] [to-vb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Refunds will be provided at point of sale for fans unable to go to the relevant dates .
2 These are frail reasons , but the best I can find , for canto 107 to begin with a flourish of Sicilian place-names :
3 Meanwhile , Lion Cavern , the Greenham winner , is by no means certain to run in the 2,000 Guineas , hence the lukewarm reaction from bookmakers .
4 A good many men came into the room by no means inclined to acquiesce in the proposed arrangement .
5 ‘ It was common practice , ’ he commented , ‘ for Alexander III to ride like a demon around his kingdom .
6 A ‘ no ’ vote is likely to delay the start of the EEA planned for January 1 to coincide with the launch of the EC 's single market .
7 To get his own back , Stroganov took advantage of the atmosphere of March 1848 to complain to the tsar of the Ministry of Education 's " liberalism " .
8 Scott 's instructions to proceed with working drawings followed on 17th March with a request for a list of builders willing to tender for the work .
9 It is not anyone 's wish to reduce the overall level of money available to provide for the needs of people with dementia .
10 Men are in voluntarily unemployed if , in the event of a small rise in the price of wage-goods relatively to the money-wage , both the aggregate supply of labour willing to work for the current money-wage and the aggregate demand for it at that wage would be greater than the existing volume of employment .
11 For example , if a company has only a limited amount of funds available to spend over the next few years , centralised management would be able to take a balanced view of how the funds should be shared out between production , marketing , research and development , motor vehicles , other fixed asset purchases in different departments etc .
12 It seems possible to suggest , then , that in Fahreddin Acemi one finds the full realization of a conscious policy ( perhaps partly realized in Molla Fenari and Molla Yegan ) on the part of Murad II to create within the state " … alongside of the secular power , a religious authority … representing , so to speak , the religious conscience of the people " .
13 From this you can identify the trends and thus assign probabilities to the various types of question likely to appear on the next occasion .
14 There were reports of some units already having transferred allegiance to Ukraine , including the 48th division , withdrawn from Czechoslovakia in 1990 , which had disobeyed orders of Sept. 10 to move to the Caucasus .
15 ‘ One of our most pressing problems ’ , he concluded , ‘ is how to deal with the human waste which has come through the discarding of the services of workers unable to adjust to the new requirements ’ .
16 4 Have a variety of ideas ready to throw into the conversation and listen carefully to the resulting discussion .
17 They do however differ greatly in their components : the kind of subelements likely to appear within the divisions of a dictionary ( for example ) will be entirely different from those likely to appear within the divisions of a letter or a novel .
18 When a waterfall is envisaged , a length of tube sufficient to reach from the outflow to the head of the cascade is attached .
19 The association was founded in 1965 ( on 21 June , from which it takes its name ) , when some 80% of all school teachers staged a demonstration to protest against a new " Law of Retirements " , which increased by one third the period of service necessary to qualify for a pension .
20 The order may give directions on : auditing , the revision of the directors ' report or any summary financial statement , steps to be taken to bring the order to the notice of persons likely to rely on the original accounts , and on such other matters as the court thinks fit .
21 Stockton 's policy and resources committee has agreed to make a total of £275,000 available to spend on a bid for money from the Government City Challenge this year subject to further financial appraisal .
22 They will know of patients likely to die in the near future and of patients recently permanently handicapped by their illness or injury .
23 And there is no shortage nowadays of people willing to slog round the streets delivering Betterware catalogues to earn a few quid .
24 Branches should try to compile and maintain a lists of people willing to help on a casual basis like this .
25 Innocent did not want the recognition of Frederick II to turn into a full-scale debate on the imperial title ( which Siegfried 's interruption threatened ) , though he was careful to allow Otto 's party to be heard in what was rapidly becoming a shouting-match between Otto 's supporters and Frederick 's representatives .
26 It transformed the way that the English dealt with the world outside Europe ; even though Charles 's son came back to the throne as Charles II in 1660 , the Republic changed the direction of English imperial policy and set a pattern followed at least until the death in 1714 of the last direct descendant of Charles I to sit on the throne .
27 SIR — Surely it is not now the turn of Radio 3 to fall into the hands of crazed ‘ controllers ’ ( letter , April 3 ) ?
28 On Friday Peskin , before jetting off to Florida 's Disney World , successfuly completed the rescheduling of £80 million of debt due to expire over the next six months .
29 Standing around the lobbies , bars and corridors of the Commons after Mr Major 's 1990 budget speech were plenty of Tories ready to speak of the new chancellor as a possible ‘ healing ’ prime minister .
30 A folk hero , a man who could draw climbers literally hundreds of miles just to sit in the same pub and hear him sing and play his accordion .
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