Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [verb] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Yet , at first glance , and for reasons located primarily in the International movement , 1927 would not appear to be an opportune moment for Nizan to join the party .
2 Many of the children with whom we work at school would not be accepted at the Petö Institute for reasons explained elsewhere in the report .
3 Providing authorities/hospitals would be paid for cases treated either on the basis of actual cost per case , or on some laid-down or agreed cost per case , and there seems little to prevent them behaving in the same manner as hospitals elsewhere where either ‘ Retrospective full cost reimbursement ’ or ‘ Prospective reimbursement ’ systems are in operation .
4 We see the new concern as arising in an era of restraint , but see that the case for value for money stands apart from the political stance taken — whether it is for or against cuts in local government expenditure .
5 Extraordinary that the Soviets had not already grilled and broken this man , unbelievable that they had permitted a trial for espionage to go ahead without the evidence of a confession .
6 The member for Berwickshire went immediately to the head of the Administration and ‘ desired the D[uke] of Newcastle to refresh his Lordship 's memory ’ , but Lord Anson was a master of diplomatic procrastination , never refusing an important supporter of Government , yet delaying performance of his undertakings .
7 ( ’ Like' for retributivists meaning alike in the intuitively appealing sense of ‘ similarly deserving ’ . )
8 It is not necessary for readers to agree completely with the ideology of the approach to arrive at some of the same conclusions about soil erosion as found here .
9 The task was designed to minimize feelings of risk and thus prevent attention focusing , however , it is possible that actually feeling risk is not necessary for drivers to concentrate exclusively on the risky aspects of the stimuli .
10 In this case the request for help falls somewhere between the extremes of the Glasgow dustmen 's strike and straight humanitarian operations such as rescuing people from snowdrifts .
11 And Thomas had Ela Delahay , the companion to Donna Lucia and earnest love of Babberley , for fate to act kindly on the poor boy .
12 The complexities proved to be even greater than expected , particularly since the rate of claim for compensation increased considerably over the years up to the setting up of the committee .
13 It was , he said , a ‘ good time for us as Conservatives to think afresh about the direction of British politics ; about where we have come from , what we are doing , and where the future is taking our nation and our party . ’
14 The greatest contribution outside powers can make in creating a climate for peace lies less in the field of diplomacy than in that of law observance .
15 This sense of a future and a past for homosexuality contrasts unfavourably with the British sense of history — it would be unfortunate if the only way for a society to learn from its own history was for it to be occupied by fascists !
16 Such survivals in attitude and custom , however , can not obscure the fact that the fundamental direction of European society had been for decades moving increasingly into the hands of a bourgeoisie whose assumptions were at bottom not those of aristocratic society , even if it aped aristocratic style .
17 Demands for licences grew steadily during the fourteenth century , but endowment of the religious orders never regained its earlier level , and alienations were increasingly directed to the establishment of chantries and secular institutions ; by mid-century almost as many licences were for the secular as for the religious churches , but this has more to do with declining enthusiasm for the vastly endowed monastic orders and the growing popular appeal of the mendicants who lived from alms , and not from farming extensive estates .
18 Because it is hard to expel asylum-seekers once they have arrived , potential host countries make it difficult for refugees to leave home in the first place .
19 3.00 : Typed a third letter for child to take home re the Head Lice problem .
20 Moreover I agree with her that , if there is to be a right to recovery in respect of taxes exacted unlawfully by the revenue , it is irrelevant to consider whether the old rule barring recovery of money paid under mistake of law should be abolished , for that rule can have no application where the remedy arises not from error on the part of the taxpayer , but from the unlawful nature of the demand by the revenue .
21 But inspired by the experience of Jim Duffy at the back and battling Stainrod himself up front , the pattern of play changed dramatically during the final half hour , to the extent that it was the visitors who were forced to hang on , especially after Stainrod had forced goalkeeper Theo Snelders into an own-goal during the latter stages .
22 In view of the vast size of Siberia , the relatively small numbers of Russians operating there in the seventeenth century , and the difficulty of carrying out a census of a mobile population , it seems likely that these figures somewhat underestimate the number of indigenous Siberians before the Russian conquest .
23 Increased co-operation between states has been a significant feature of the post-1945 world order , reflecting the reduced ability of states to act autonomously in the global arena .
24 If the direction of change was already clear by the end of the 1970s , the pace of change accelerated dramatically in the early 1980s .
25 The means of mobilizing employee consent to the Process of change differed markedly between the three companies .
26 I turn to see Lord Archer of Weston-super-Mare standing theatrically on the mezzanine above , barking into a mobile phone .
27 The value of projects lies less in the subject matter than in the fact that topics are chosen and worked on by the pupils themselves .
28 In one sense the shock of industrialisation lay precisely in the stark contrast between the black , monotonous , crowded and scarred settlements and the coloured farms and hills immediately adjoining them , as in Sheffield , ‘ noisy , smoky , loathsome ( but ) … surrounded on all sides by some of the most enchanting countryside to be found on this planet ’ .
29 To turn three pages of essay into 77 pages of story looks suspiciously like the kind of redundant ornamentation that Steiner suggests is at the heart of what is wrong with Western values .
30 The case of Copeman v Coleman ( 1939 ) 22 TC 594 concerned a company which was formed in 1933 with a capital of £1,000 owned equally by the respondent and his wife .
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