Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [be] [vb pp] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 During Ministry 's set tonight the earth started flying , along with the bodies .
2 We , it was when I went to , when I , we were doing something with maps when I was at school and they were trying to find out what , it was the , where the local rates where the money was spent for the local rates and one of projects was taken down the sewage works .
3 Having secured seats on the saloon deck we went to look about us , and saw another large flock of sheep being driven down the quay towards our steamer .
4 Such a claim can of course be brought in the same action by which the recognition of the automatic hiring and the awarding of the relevant salary is sought .
5 This pattern of living was reproduced wherever the peripatetic court might settle .
6 Their dance is very different from the work of petipa , whose suggestion of demi-caractère is seen when the Songbird and Bluebird dance in The Sleeping Beauty , where the fluttering of the hands is meant to indicate that birds fly and sing .
7 This type of shift was slit down the back for ease of application and secured with back-tie draw-strings at the neck and waist ; such items were , it is assumed , readily available from the undertaker .
8 When degrees of control are introduced then the situation does become manipulated by the observer .
9 This identity of message was recognized down the line , and had the effect that one would have expected .
10 These two schools of thought are termed here the ‘ kinship defenders ’ and the ‘ society as parent protagonists ’ .
11 Where the jobs of members are guaranteed then the rationality of opposition retreats .
12 Let bourgeois philosophy be cudgelled and smashed by the Revolution " , when he uncompromisingly asserted : " Let us have the courage to be crude : let the spirit of subtlety be swept down the sewer …
13 If the balance conditions are independent of the frequency of the supply then the use of a nonsinusoidal source poses no balancing problems , the harmonic components of potential being balanced whenever the fundamental components are ( see section 11.1 ) .
14 A block of stone being brought up the slide from an underground quarry at Herston .
15 Fifty-four acres of land were acquired down the line in Darlington in 1899 .
16 The second reading of the Finance Bill follows and from 1969 the bill has then been divided , clauses and schedules which involve issues of principle being taken on the floor of the House while the more detailed clauses are sent upstairs to a standing committee .
17 The Treaty of Canterbury was signed later the same month and included among its provisions of the establishment of an Intergovernmental Commission to monitor the execution of the concession , and a Safety Authority which advises the Commission on all safety matters relating to the construction and operation of the Tunnel .
18 We unlashed the mooring cables almost as the last bag of cement was carried down the gangplank .
19 In Lebanon , where the Palestinian war against Israel was focused once the PLO 's guerrilla movement was evicted from Jordan in 1970 , they were squirrelled away beneath floors or carpets , sometimes stored in rusting biscuit tins , broken suitcases and ancient trunks , often the very containers in which the refugees carried their most valuable belongings from Palestine in 1948 .
20 Once belief in Satan is overthrown then the church has to see its role not in conquering the ‘ Devil and all his works ’ but in overcoming ignorance , disease , superstition and injustice .
21 Arsenal 's lack of genuine quality in midfield was made all the more painful by a fine display by David Rocastle .
22 Up to 60 staff at S and S Press in Abingdon were told yesterday the company was going out of business and their services were no longer required .
23 They let off frequent bursts of fire into the air to remind everyone that the only law in Somalia is administered down the barrel of a gun .
24 The funeral had in fact been held only the day before .
25 However , while Danzig enjoyed these widespread trade contacts and reaped the benefit of the still massive river trade in Polish timber ( 16,949 log floats of 9 logs per float were rafted down the Warthe to Stettin or Berlin in 1871 alone ) Western Europe had already moved on to develop its rail networks .
26 And the introduction about about care is passed up the three tiers , like a triangular system 's
27 Yet when he and other top men at GE are asked why the company has only one foreigner on its 19-member board of directors , they insist that this is no obstacle to making the company truly global .
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